How often should my skimmer be filling up?


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I have a corallife 65 skimmer set up and have had some questions about its maintainance. It seems the pump supplied is a bit too powerful as I am mostly forced to run it at the lowest flow setting and turn the bubbles way down. Also, every other week or so it seems to get a salt build up that blocks the air input. It IS working though. The water I empty out is a lovely shade of greenish brown. When I have it running how seems best, it requires emptying every 4th day. Is this a normal cycle or am I pushing too much air through it? Thanks.
IMO a wet skim is good. Every 4 is ok but remember to keep an eye on your salinity level for the tank. It is SW in the cup so you should compensate the level removed with new SW unlike evaporation where you only replenish with FW. You should notice a brown buildup on the inside of the cup where the bubbles form. You will want to clean this area as you see the buildup. Keep your lines clean which you can blow them clean if you want to go that route. The Coralife skimmer is a good skimmer but it may take a bit to tweak it just right..they are sensitive.
try some airline tubing on teh air input of the skimmer and run the tube out from under the stand (or away from your creep build up) so it draws in fresh air.

My skimmer gets glazed with salt pretty quickly, so does certain parts of my plumbing. if you look under my stand it looks like stalagmites (or tites, cant remember) from the bulkheads..
thats right....tites top, TT is how i used to remember it....just like hotel motel, hotels have hallways HH
TT is definitely not how I would remember tites being on top, but maybe i just have my mind in the gutter a little to often
I thought this thread was going to be locked until I read more carefully.
Oddly enough in school when I learned about those, I remember my teacher telling me that it was stalagmites on the ceiling...because they "might" fall on you. Boy were they wrong.
I have the same exact skimmer. I have had to modify mine. The outlet that lets the water back in had to be cut about an inch. That was the main reason i had it overflowing, it was just too deep into the box, and the next thing i did which lets even less air out is I put a small peace of tubing onto that same outlet so that i could control the air even better. If thats not explanatory enough I can send a pic of my setup.
I think I have mine figured out, I'm using it as a hang on. I just wasn't sure how often it should be filled and a few other querks. I never used a skimmer on my fresh water systems so it's just new to me. Now to get the Oct 150 running in my big tank..... Thanks everyone!