How often should you feed a Tang?


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I am currently putting up a sheet of Nori on the days i dont feed all the fish which they recieve food every other day.
Everyone else recieves frozen brine or brine flakes and pellets.
My gold rim will seem to eat some of the flakes but i just want to make sure im feeding hime enough.

Thanks, G
So then i probably should step up my feeding...i was just discussing an earlier situation with my nitrates being high was possibly due to over feeding, so not sure what to do guess just do a big water change shortly.
I have 6 tangs that are at least 5-6" each and I feed them 6-2"x3" pieces of nori every morning and every night,it never stays in the clip more than 5 mins before it is gone.
I also supplement with some mysiss shrimp,pellets, & flakes when I feed the other 15 fish in the tank that doesn't eat nori.
We have some fat and happy fish:D
Hope this helps.
yes it does and i guess i have been under feeding mine. Hes been getting a 3 by 3 sheet every other frozen pellets etc
I'm not the norm but I've done this for over 20 years with fish and never had a problem. I feed mine on an average every other day. Fat and healthy. I currently have a scopas tang that is around 3 years old. I had a sailfin for 10 years in the past. Sometimes I do feed daily like nori one day, frozen the next but most of the time it is every other day and I don't have a problem with it.
I guess I'm an exception too... frozen (a good amount) every 2-3 days, and nori once a week for two (4" yellow and 3" Regal). Even then, they don't finish a 1.5x3 sheet in a day... they do eat it, however. My best guess is that I feed Formula Two pretty regularly so they're getting plenty of herbivore food.
nori with Selcon everyday
frozen Spirulina brine & pe mysis daily.

He was fat until I gave him to a member that
Has anybody seen raw nori sheets?My wifw was online and discovered that green nori has been "toasted" and the red/brown has not and is considered "raw".
I wonder if the raw has more nutrients in it than the "toasted" type?
I will say that I can buy green nori online at $4o for 1000 sheets,and raw nori at $40 for 500 sheets,so would think there was something about it?</em>
I was always told there is more nutritional value to the raw/red nori. I feed the red because of this.