how to change tanks


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I just bought a used 60 gal. tank yesterday. My original 29gal suffered a disaster last week=heater exploded, cracked the tank seal, water had black film on it and little pieces of glass everywhere.
The fish and corals survived, I put some in my 20 gal tanl and some in a borrowed tank with all my live rock, new water and no sand

the questions:
The new tank has a sump/refugium and I'm not sure how to set it up. There was a bunch of black and white sand and wirey algae in the middle part.
Do I use this sand or get new?
It had been drained of all but a few inches of water for several days before I got the tank. It had been turned on its side so the sand was all jumbled up. Does that matter?
Do i just set the algae stuff on top of the sand?
I also have about 10 pound of base rock that I want to put in the 50 gal
Should I just put the base rock in the 50 gal, put my live rock on top, water I have the fish and rock in(borrow 33gal that I'll need to give back) and get it all to cycle together?
I'm new at this. I'm sorry for so many questions.
The guy I bought the system from didn't know anything about how to set it up. He had it only for a month or so and decided to get rid of it, so he was no help
Sheryle, I'd take Dave (junky) up on his offer. Great guy, plenty of brawn and knows what he's doing.

(He's a little scary looking, but perfectly harmless... mostly) ;)
I'd love some help. I'm totally overwelmed with this sump/refugium and don't want to mess up and hurt my livestock.
Where is Kingston?
how do I do a PM? I don't see a button to click for a pm. I'm just getting started on this forum.Still learning my way around
It's looking good. The cloudy look is almost gone. The aquascaping looks wonderful. You did such an awesume job of placing the rocks.:yes: I wish I could put fish in there now, but I know that's a No-NO:boo: I will try to take a picture.
