How to convert dead into live rock?


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I will be getting a fairly large shipment of dead (formerly live) rock next weekend.
It was taken out of a huge reef tank about a year ago, so it's dry as can be.

What would be the proper protocol to get it back LIVE?

Just toss it in your tank with a few pieces of LR....over time it'll become live again.
you need to "cure" it in a different tank. all the old bacteria, unless previously cleaned out somehow, will leak out and pollute the water. i believe it ammonia that it puts out.
That's what I thought - it will cause another cycle - because the stuff on it will decompose once in the water again.
I mean it depends, if it were me and the rock has been dry for a long time....I'd just toss it in and be done. But if it was a month or less, I'd most likely try to cure it.
i would just rinse it really well, then soak it in freshwater for a few days, then test for ammonia in the water it was in. no ammonia, throw it in the tank. ammonia, let it cure.
I would throw it into a big plastic tub with a power head and a skimmer and cure it for a few weeks. I would hate to see a nitrate spike. After it cures add it to the tank the rock you have should seed it.
Akopley;299588 wrote: If its been out of water for a long time i don't see how there could still be ammonia.

tall the dead pods, bristleworms, algaes, sponges, etc that were in the nooks and crannies of the rock could potentially start decomposing when exposed to water again.
It really depends on the condition of the rock. If it looks like it had a lot of life (and/or algae) on it and was never cleaned, I'd probably try cleaning it up and possibly curing it before adding it to a tank. If you're in a hurry and want to make sure you don't have a spike, just soak it in a little bleach and then let it soak in some fresh water with a dechlorinator for a bit and you'll be ready to go. Everything's already dead so it's not like there's anything to save and you'd be surprised at what some algaes can survive.
Akopley;299641 wrote: I got some rock that had been out of the water for awhile. It looked clean but i boiled it then let it dry and just put it in my HOB fuge...I am hoping it wont cause any problems. Now you guys got me worried.

boiling that small amount of rock should have taken care of anything. don't worry.