How to encrust SPS onto a rock or model


For GSP you can peel off the original rock and glue it to the whatever shape you want to but for SPS how do you do it??
How do you even get it to cover a skull or ship?? all my Encruster's are on a plug or plate. meaning if I leave the plate or Frag plug it would look ugly..
is there special way to do this?
Depending on the species, there are several ways to do this. One method is to put the plug onto your shape; then after your encrusting is complete, to cut-off/remove the plug. If you're able to remove the coral from the plug entirely, this can help sometimes.

Hopefully, someone else can provide more detailed solutions for you. I'm a little swamped today, but will be back later
I agree plug on a nice rock and sit and wait. Waiting is the hard part. Green slimer is probably the fastest grower to see encrusted growth.
Is there a good site that shows typical growth patterns for frags? Just seeing the Google images from certain names of corals doesn't necessarily have the benefit of scale.
I actually have had the idea to make a website with this information and photos of all common and rare species in this hobby. And while it’s up right now, it’s still not even 1% complete.

But what species are you interested in? If not I, then somebody here may be able to help explain the growth pattern.
Generally speaking:
- Do all montis grow in that plate formation like a cabbage? Sometimes photos seem like they're encrusting, but maybe it's just how they were positioned.
- How do you know if they're encrusting? Is there a way to force corals to form a crust?
- Can you train digitata or birdsnest to grow a certain way, similar to bonsai?
Generally speaking:
- Do all montis grow in that plate formation like a cabbage? Sometimes photos seem like they're encrusting, but maybe it's just how they were positioned.
- How do you know if they're encrusting? Is there a way to force corals to form a crust?
- Can you train digitata or birdsnest to grow a certain way, similar to bonsai?

Great questions. No, not all monti’s grow the same way. “Montipora” is actually a genus, not a species. And different species have different growth structures. Montipora, specifically, exhibits a lot of variety.

•Branching Montipora (such as Digitatas)
•Encrusting Montipora (such as Rainbow Monti or Poker Star)
•Scrolling Montipora (such as Beach Bum)
•Tabling/Plating/Bowl Montipora (Montipora Capricornis aka Monti Cap, Montipora Turberculata...)

Many corals will encrust at least a small portion of rock (a few millimeters to inches) before growing branches if they are a branching type.

You’ll know if they’re encrusting by their species. However, there are some visual signs that can indicate the type of growth to expect. I can dive into that if you want to upload specific example photos of corals.

Can you force them(non-encrusting corals) to form a crust?
•That’s a tough one; but sure. If you cut up a coral into a bunch of pieces and place the pieces all over a rock, each piece will like take hold of the rock and essentially encrust the entire rock as it then starts to grow in its natural pattern.

Can you train Digi or birdsnest to grow, similar to a bonsai?
•Yes and No. Whereas with bonsai trees, you can simply use Baylor wire, with corals to get this effect, you will manipulate the corals using light and flow. Most Corals will grow in a manner that exposes them to more light, and will be encouraged to do so in the direction of water flow. (Example below) knowing this, you have limitations to what can be done that wouldn’t apply with bonsai trees. This is because a bonsai tree is a singular organisms, and coral is a colonial collective.

Example: if you put a branching coral in front of a pump blasting it with water (assuming it’s not too much for the coral to handle), then over years, this coral will grow in a manner that looks like it’s blowing away from the pump. Imagine it like a tree blowing in the wind, in a side swept manner.
This is great info, thanks!

I guess I should have specified with the stupid Monti question lol. I meant more of the Monti caps, since that seems to be most commonly offered as frags. But the breaking into small pieces sounds like exactly what I would want to attempt.

I’ve got a digi that’s strangely just starting to grow upward closest to the powerhead. Maybe I got a weirdo one.


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Oh, and a note about the frag plugs - I haven’t glued anything down yet. Been waiting for this kind of information to really decide how I want to arrange all the frags!
Ah yes. Monti Caps are most popular because the are thin, meaning they grow fastest and are easy to frag. For growth pattern, they will encrust slightly and then grow horizontally in platelike shapes.

It should be noted; after breaking into small pieces, and these pieces encrust a rock, they will resume normal growth pattern.

As for the Digi; it’s not surprising that it’s growing towards the pump if the pump is above it. That is the path of least resistance as it moves towards the light. See... similar to bonsai manipulation but with less control.

Happy that this was able to help! Feel free to ask more questions