How to fix my chiller? Need help!


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Okay, so I have an older model Current USA Prime Tower Chiller, model 2464. Its a 1/3 HP chiller that looks like this one:"></a>

I bought it used last year and it had worked fine for me all summer... well, about a month ago I noticed that the temperature sensor was going on it. It would come on and immediately read a temperature of 104. I run it with my Apex, so I wasnt concerned that I was going to over-cool my tank, but did begin to look for a replacement sensor... nothing.

Today, I got home and heard the alarm going off. Went downstairs to the Chiller beeping and displaying an E1 code. I gather this indicates that the temperature sensor HAS to be replaced? I honestly cant find the part ANYWHERE. I know the unit hasnt been produced in a long time, but i would have thought some of the parts were... well... common or typical of the appliance. I was able to locate one here (but its out of stock... i imagine indefinitely):


Can anyone help?
I would find th sensor and remove it. Take it to an appliance repair/replacement shop and see if they have something similar. I refuse to believe that the sensors are proprietary. It's just a liquid filled ac in ly opinion.
It's a pretty easy fix if you can find the repalcement sensor. Contact Current, maybe they still have some laying around.
I had the same issue and I just total bypassed the sensor curcuit on the chiller. I then used the Apex to control the chiller.
Simon.Kruger;713633 wrote: I had the same issue and I just total bypassed the sensor curcuit on the chiller. I then used the Apex to control the chiller.

Skriz;713688 wrote: Bypass it.

This is probably what I'll end up doing, so i'll prolly end up PM'ing ya Simon. I'm going to call Current USA first and see if they have any idea where I could get the part. Cant hurt to ask I suppose.
Fixed! Bypass and we're good to go. Thanks Simon! If you ever need a hand with anything lemme know! Though by all the DIY stuff you've tackled on your own... I'm not sure how I'd ever be able to help :p