How to kill Zoanthid eating Nudibranch


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Some how I ended up with zoanthid eating nudibranchs in my frag tank. I took out all the zoanthids and palys and dipped in Tropic Marin ProCoral Cure tonight. I pulled off several prior to the dip as well. What is the recommended treatment to battle these things? How long before eggs hatch and when should I repeat the treatment? Any thing more effective against them then the procoral cure? I don't think they are in my main display since the zoas do not seem to be affected in there but I am looking closely."></a>

what i ended up doing was taking out all the zoanthids and letting them starve, but i also ran alot of filteration with that since they are highly toxic.
Thanks Annce, I recall seeing that awhile back. thanks for the link.
Thanks Barb. Very helpful. Luckily the tank I have them in is not connected to any dispaly tanks so hopefully I can contain this outbreak and control them. I'll try a FW dip in a few days after since I just did the iodine dip tonight. I am hoping these buggers are dying as we speak.
Barbara - I have them too, in my nano tank. I have been checking when the lights are off and removing them. What do the egg sacs look like? We are setting up a quarantine tank for them and getting some of the Revive coral cleaner that was recommended by the LiveAquaria representative at the last meeting. Thanks!
The egg sacs are small white clusters on the zoas.

Iodine is really worthless when it comes to these pests. I have found the Fluke Tabs work on killing the zoa eating nudibranchs. I use this at the store and it seems to work fairly well.

It is amazing the pests I run into at the store, of course when you buy hundreds of corals a month, you are going to get some with pests. It sucks but what can you do other than treat....

Thanks Tim... I will try the Fluke tabs if this did not help.
Here's a">link </a>with some pics of zoa nudis and egg sacs.

I tested some FWE on some of Barb's nudis and they just kept on trucking until I upped the dosage to 5x recommended dosage. Even then they just kinda slowed down. I heard fluke tabs just stun them, not kill em but that was hearsay.

For certain fresh water dips and constant vigilence will wipe em out but I always recommend a natural wrasse predator to help you with the job.

It's terrible how well they blend in, but man they can look cool sometimes.

Got a few of the *******s last night and this morning! I also scrapped a bunch of eggs while I had old eagle-eyed Bud (of Budsreef fame) visiting today. They already look better today. I'll keep up the dipping, scraping and picking until I win! I also bought a six-line wrasse today to help in the battle. The little bugger is already picking at stuff in the frag tank and hopefully he is getting any of those little devils I missed. The battles will continue until the war is won!