How to Lower Nitrate


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How the heck can I get my nitrates down. Everything seems to be doing so well, I'm shock when I test and find them so high. I not overfeeding, doing weekly water changes, etc. Any suggestions?


Bigger water changes...Purigen (sp) I hear does wonders...I know a fuge made a HUGE difference for me..
How high is high?!?

Check for any "dead spots" in the flow of your tank. Make sure that water is keeping all the "poop" in up and in the filters. A bit of carbon and purigen might help. Are you running a skimmer yet? That would help but not NEEDED on a tank your size. Hit it with a few big water changes (25-50%).
What are you using for your top-off water? RO/DI?
More extreme but a sulfer drip from a Denitrification unit will work as well.
I'm doing 5 gal. water changes weekely in a 29 gal with LOTS of rock; I'm using Purigen, and the ammonia is zero. Mixing saltwater with RO/DI. High is about 15!
Ok 15 is not HIGH. it is slightly elevated and with a softy/LPS coral tank it is just fine... To tell you the truth, around 10 is good news for a soft coral tank and about as good as you can expect without a skimmer.
Really!???? What a relief...I thought it was supposed to be close to zero. Thanks!
Zero would be nice... but is really not good for Soft corals. They like a bit of nitrates, that is what they eat... Heck, I know people that keep a xenia refugium just because of that! A fuge would help but you really can not get one on your nano. Have you put that LR in your back area yet?!? The sponge that grows in a "crypto" area such as that will help take them down an bit.

Worry when your Nitrates hit about 40... ;)