How to properly ship coral


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What is the best method.. Im shipping to Puerto Rico :thumbs: overnight going out tomorrow morning, ive received a couple shipments before that were packet in a styrophome case and then just the coral randomly in the bag w/ water.. but idk the BEST method to ensure proper care.. thanks!
This time of year, heat packs wouldn't be a bad idea. Styrofoam,double bag the cora or even triple depending on what it is. And pack it in tight so it does not have a chance to move around alot.
What kind of coral is it? If it's a leather, xenia, or something else soft that can be crushed, then rubber band the attached rock/frag to floating styrofoam.
^^ no, hes a soldier based in puerto rico for the US army.. says the lfs is **** and has nothing good.. no time to go and actually find it, so will pay a little more for shipping..
Be sure to look into all the legalities and customs requirements. even though PR is a US commonwealth, it may still technically be sending live aniamls internationally, which may require some additional work.

Not to sound too abrupt, but you shouldve looked into this well in advance of shipping tomorrow.
jmaneyapanda;244163 wrote:
Not to sound too abrupt, but you shouldve looked into this well in advance of shipping tomorrow.

i know.. havent really had alot of time... will do it now
i would do 1 heat pack (hand warmer thing) in a plastic bag.. then put the coral in a bag of water and fill the bag with air, fill the rest of the box with peanuts to keep the coral still and it should be fine
Dude, make sure you look up this info. A large number of mail order companies for aquatic life (inlcuding some of the biggest like Live Aquaria) do not ship to Puerto Rico. I assume its because of the extra permitting and regulations. Make sure you know what your getting into.
decided not to ship..did some research and found that i needed 4 permits and thats stupid.. waste of time and money.. thanks guys