How to raise PH?

buffer; but if its like 8 and stable, and everything looks healthy, don't adjust anything. It may come up slowly after your next few water changes, but I've seen a few people on ARC running a 7.8.
My tank usually runs between 7.8 and 8.0. I've yet to reach a real stable point, but I do not keep anything too delicate yet.
Thanks! I had Kent Marine Pro-Buffer dKH and have started small doses and monitoring more closely so that I dont over do it. :)

I had a fish die recently and they tested my water and told me my ph was a little low, but I forget the exact numbers. (blonde roots) But other than that and the salinity (sp) being a little high (which a water change will fix) everything was peachy! And they were kind enough to get me another fish of the same kind as a refund! :-D Now I just gotta wait for it to come in!! But I am glad to know that it did not die because I was doing something wrong or my tank was out of whack. :)
My PH is 7.71 Right now... Low PH is not too much of a problem as long as it is stable.
Xyzpdq0121;188218 wrote: My PH is 7.71 Right now... Low PH is not too much of a problem as long as it is stable.

+1 Billion.....just keep it stable somewhere in the 7.8-8.4 range and you'll be fine. Also keep in mind that PH swings during the day can go +/- 4.0. using a fuge on reverse cycle can help or dosing kalk on a PH controller.
flyingarmy;188220 wrote: +1 Billion.....just keep it stable somewhere in the 7.8-8.4 range and you'll be fine. Also keep in mind that PH swings during the day can go +/- 4.0. using a fuge on reverse cycle can help or dosing kalk on a PH controller.

Yes, we keep our fuge light on an opposite cycle as our lights in the tank to help balance out the ph at night.