How to setup a RODI unit for just drinking


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Hello Everyone,
I'm putting my old RODI unit under my sink to drink water from, and have another one in the basement to create water for my tank. It currently has 3 filter containers and the RO membrane. I'm thinking of putting a 1 micron filter, to a 1 micron carbon block, to a 5 micron carbon block to the ro membrane to the faucet.

Does this make sense, or should I make it 2x 1 micron blocks? Should I put the 1 or 5 micron carbon block after the RO membrane?

Let me know what you think.
Thank you
the micron filters need to be before the membrane to prevent it from getting clogged faster, the micron filters take out all the larger particles before they get to the membrane.
I've heard drinking rodi will actually make one sick, is there any truth to that?
MYREEFCLUB0070;1091059 wrote: the micron filters need to be before the membrane to prevent it from getting clogged faster, the micron filters take out all the larger particles before they get to the membrane.

ok, I just saw a commercial ro unit, with an after membrane carbon filter.

Should I do 2x 1 micron carbon blocks, or 1 1micron and 1 5micron carbon block?
spiderman097;1091064 wrote: you should not drink rodi water for long periods of time

So I've heard as well. Although truthfully I don't believe I've ever been properly explained to as of why. But nontheless I took heed and just bypassed the DI via a valve. Save the DI for those that have proven to benefit from it, the fishes.
dont quote me on this but i believe its because you dont get the minerals you need from the water.

also shouldnt the larger micron number go before the smaller micron number?
the carbon block after the membrane is not exactly necessary buy can be put in place to take out oder and improve taste.
try reading this link............
You don't want to drink much distilled or RODI water not only because it has no minerals but because it will strip the minerals from your body. Have you ever seen a concrete pool deck that is all pitted and full of pock marks? That is from the pool water being to low in calcium and lowered hardness. The water will leach the minerals out of the concrete. Now the pool water still has some minerals in it even when it's low on hardness and it still does this. DI water has no minerals.

Drinking a little here and there won't hurt you, other than not tasting very good, but long term is not good.

"Electrolyte Imbalance
The WHO and others studied the use of distilled water and found that because it is stripped of all minerals it can cause electrolyte imbalances in your body. Your body will leach electrolytes from your tissues in order to add them to the mineral free water you are drinking. This is necessary so that your body can function normally and eliminate waste. If the water redistribution process in your body is not functioning properly, you may experience fatigue, weakness, headache, muscle cramps and an abnormal heart rate."

This link has even more good info in it. You can also find tons of pages from a simple Google search.
exactly what he^ said.

In all honesty water in atlanta is REALLY GOOD quality. If you want anything all you need is a carbon filter for taste. And the same 10" carbon canister the RO's use will work just fine. I actually have a spare one run inline with my fridge and i change it out 2-3 times a year. Works great!
EnderG60;1091087 wrote: exactly what he^ said.

In all honesty water in atlanta is REALLY GOOD quality. If you want anything all you need is a carbon filter for taste. And the same 10" carbon canister the RO's use will work just fine. I actually have a spare one run inline with my fridge and i change it out 2-3 times a year. Works great!

If it's not 0 tds, I don't want to drink it :tongue: