How to split Rose Tip Bubble Anemone


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Cumming, GA
I purchased a beautiful RTBA recently and it's now growing HUGE and I'd like to know how to make it split into smaller pieces. Can this be done easily without injuring the anemone? It's about 12" in diameter now from about 4" when it was bought about 3 months ago!

Shane Draper
You can frag them. Eric B. did a demo at SWU2 if I remember correctly. 12 hours later you could barely tell.
:yay: :yay: try feeding the crap out of it and if it does split then give it to me
YOu can also check with Philip Root from Coral Gardens. I believe he's had experience cutting them up as well.
I have cut a few in my day, it is pretty easy. If you REALLY want to try it, I will try to dig up some good web sites that I learned from as well as to try to find the e-mail the Tony Calfo sent to me to guide me through it the first time I tried. I will admit, it is not for the faint of heart so if you have a hard time bringing yourself to cut xenia, you might not want to try to hack up your RBTA. Also, do not try to do any more then split him in half. But, alot of people sware by the "overfeed" method too...

*Side Note* Anthony Calfo did the SWU2 demo I believe.
I'd leave hacking up a RBTA to the experts, one huge one is better than two dead ones, the risks out weigh the benefit on this one.

Give it time.........
Xyzpdq0121;92325 wrote: I have cut a few in my day, it is pretty easy. If you REALLY want to try it, I will try to dig up some good web sites that I learned from as well as to try to find the e-mail the Tony Calfo sent to me to guide me through it the first time I tried. I will admit, it is not for the faint of heart so if you have a hard time bringing yourself to cut xenia, you might not want to try to hack up your RBTA. Also, do not try to do any more then split him in half. But, alot of people sware by the "overfeed" method too...

*Side Note* Anthony Calfo did the SWU2 demo I believe.

Thanks for the informative reply! I'd like to see the E-mail from Tony Calfo if possible and also get more details on how to "overfeed" the RTBA. It's really beautiful and I certainly don't want to kill it!

What I've read was that overfeeding for several days, followed by a large water change usually induces splitting.
You can stress him into splitting I.E take the rock he is on and dangle him upside down, pry at his foot with your finger etc. <--- Do that for about 30mins when it starts to split it will look like white ground beef. When he starts to split you can help by splitting him with your fingers. After 30mins or so if it looks like he is solid then just put him back in the tank and he might split later on his own due to being stressed out. Some people will not agree with me but it cant hurt to try it. I have had a few split by doing that. When the anemone is being messed with, it basically thinks its life is in danger so it will split to improve chances of living. Of course it doenst know that you not trying to kill it.
I'm wanting to try to split my BTA too..

You just hang it upside down in the tank it's in? or do I pull it out in a bowl of tankwater?
yeah get a bucket and hang him upside down - foot outside water and tentacles in water. Just dangle him back and forth and prod at his foot with your finger. If he lets go and flops into the bucket of water, then of course he wont split, just put him back in the tank and wait for him to split on his own.