How to wire 10 OR LED lights?


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I need some suggestions on how to wire up 10 Ocean Revive lights on my 940 gallon build. I have a dedicated circuit pulled but i'm not sure how to do it. I have an apex but I really don't want to buy 2 EB8's just to use them as a power strip (can't do anything with OR's but turn them on/off).

I was thinking maybe a 120v relay to open power to the lighting circuit and feed the relay from one of the plugs on my apex. I was also going to put about 8-10 outlets in the ceiling above the tank for plugs but open to suggestions on it.

Let me know your suggestions please!
There is several ways I would go but your limited by the lights them selves just being on and off.
If you go with a rolling sun effect you would have multiple timers, more or less one for each, outside of my powerheads I like to put everything on the apex, you can use one eb8 for your control system and in conjunction with your relays for load use 5 outlets to control 2 lights each.
What is the total watts per light?
I'm intrigued by such a large build give me a call if you feel like it and we can brainstorm if you stuff.
As Marlon pointed out, the key is the load on each fixture. There should be a name tag on it that will give you the wattage of each circuit (Blues/whites). Tell me that and I can give you some options. Also is your dedicated circuit 15 amp or 20 amp?
It's a 20 amp circuit (12/2) and I have a 20 amp breaker (not installed yet). They are the ocean revive t-247 so they each have a timer I could use. I like the option of being able to turn them on/off with the apex even if it's only as a bank or two coming on/off at once.
They are 120w fixtures each. So that's 1200 watts total. I also want to put 8 T5's (54 watt each) on the same circuit. That's a total of 1632 watts on that circuit which I believe is at the upper end but still acceptable.
I could possibly use a power strip for the T fives but while the ceiling is open and electrical is being done it would be nice to have things set correctly from the start.

The ceiling will be enclosed with drywall so it's important to get it done correctly the first time because I really don't want to have to do any drywall work above an active tank
You can safely run 1920 watts continuously (3 hours or longer) on a 20 amp circuit so you should be good. An apex power strip is rated at 15 amps so you could go with 2 EB8s and easily achieve what you want.

A relay would work but is not rated for that application. Plus you would need a separate relay for each switching function. By the time you buy the parts, enclosures to hold them, outlets to be switched and pay ME :) to do it right you are better off with the apex option in my opinion.
Lol. Alrighty. 2 eb8s it is. At least I'll only need a couple outlets instead of a bank of them lol
Well ... Why even use an eb8 at all? They have built in timers and no dimming. Just use a surge strip and the internal timers?

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good point, simple and easy. The thing I liked about the apex is that it would switch off the lights if the tank started to overheat, however with the size tank I'm going to have and the apex text alerts it's really a non issue. Being in the basement, even if my house AC goes out things should still stay reasonable. I may save some cash and go that way. Or put it towards a possible chiller if the tank doesn't stay cool enough during my trials once it's up and running.
Considering the tank location, use of LED fixtures, and volume of water, I highly dought you will have heat issues.

I do think it would be wise to preplumb fittings for a chiller in case you ever decide to switch lighting.