How would you setup a UV Sterilizer here


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Atlanta. Chastain/Sandy Springs
The tank is a Waterbox 220.6. It seems like I should tap into one of these valves but I feel like with those coming off of the return line it will just be cycling from the sump ba k into the sump.

I prefer 100% of the water returning to the main display tank being treated. That way attrition of pathogens 🦠 in the water column is guaranteed.
It might be worth installing a temporary return to the display, and bypass your current one. Then do the desired modifications. After which you can use the modified version of the original.
It might be worth installing a temporary return to the display, and bypass your current one. Then do the desired modifications. After which you can use the modified version of the original.
So basically putting the UV between my return chamber and display?

How about from the media chamber(the part after my socks) or from the chamber with the skimmer into the following. ex: flows as follows. Media chamber > skimmer > return.

I guess what had me confused were those two valves coming off the right of the return line. Perhaps those are for a reactor of some sort? IDK
I am open to suggestions. I think which ever could avoid me having to tap into the existing plumbing.
Ideally you would streamline plumb it from the return pump straight into the return. Best if you can control and monitor flow rate of return pump.
Next best option would be a y pipe into the return line. One with the return pump and other with another pump going into uv than into the other side of the y pipe and a 1 way valve.
Finally is to just use the pump sitting on one side of sump and exiting into another chamber. Would put the pump into chamber where water comes down and exits into the Chaeto or skimmer chamber