HQI bulb question


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ok so I have 150W HQI on my reef tank right now, I believe it has a 10K USHIO. I was wondering if anyone knew the par ratings between the different 150 HQI bulbs, I couldnt find any. Really looking between the 10K and 15K ushio and XM bulbs. Thanks.
It doesn't have everything, but it has some stuff. All fields have to be filled out to generate a graph.

10K XM bulbs are AWESOME... 15K, not so much. It's been rumored that the XM 20K actually has more PAR output than the 15Ks (don't ask me how XM pulled that one off, I have no clue).
I just got a 15K XM from Doug. I really like the way it looks, but I hope it's not some POS. From the spectral plots, the 20K does have a really high blue spike and the rest of the spectrum is a close match, but they'd have to have matching scales for the par graphs on Sanjay's site to get an accurate reading.
FWIW I have an Aqualight Pro 150 MH and 2 x 65W actinics. It came with a 10K Coralvue I believe. It was too white so I went to a Phoenix 14K. With actinics it was a nice "blue" but not too much. I just recently changed to a 20K XM and it is really blue. I had to change 1 of my actinics to a 50/50. With all that said (and no facts to back it up!) I feel that I get the best look and growth with the Phoenix 14K.
I too like the Phoenix 14k (since I just got it.) I haven't had a chance to compare it with the Hamilton 14k but so far, all the corals are colored and glowing brightly.
is there a huge growth difference between say a 10K and 14K? Plus would it be ok to have clams and 14K light? I know most say 10K's are the prefered light, then again I know people who have clams and 20K lights.....hmmm.
yeah thats what i figured....cool, now if I can only get par ratings from the different 150W HQI bulbs that are out there.
Since I work from home and see my tank all day I would rather give up a little on the growth side for the "pleasantness" of a bluer bulb like the 14K. I saw a huge difference in the appearance of my Zoanthids, Softies, and LPS when going bluer.
yeah I can only imagine.... I'll prolly buy a 14K and test the PAR on both, granted the 10K will be a bit older and the PAR will be less, but at least I can get an idea. And if for some reason I dont end up going with it, I'm sure someone on here will buy a barely used 14K bulb.
I like the 15K XM look quite a lot. Granted, a 250w over 25g means that even a lower par K rating is plenty of light. I have 6 clams -- 2 derasa, 3 crocea, and 1 maxima -- under it doing great with plenty of growth.

I think when I set up my 60 cube, however, I'll go back to a 10K bulb and use supplemental T5 actinics to get the effects of a 15K, but the PAR of a 10K.