I started my 75g on Jan 1 of this year. It contained 80lbs of Argonite sand and 40lbs of base rock. After 1 month the parameters were Ammonia 0.5ppm, NitrITE 1.0ppm, NitrATE 5.0ppm.
I added 42lbs of LR last week. I know there was alot of die-off on the LR caused it had not been cured. My tank has no livestock so I thought it would help mature the tank with a good cycle.
After 1 week my new parameters are Ammonia >8.0ppm, NitrITE >5.0ppm, NitrATE 10ppm. My PO4 is still 0 (thanks to the Phosban Reactor). The Ammonia and NitrITE maxed my test kit.
Is this spike to big? Should I do a 50% WC or just let the tank ride it out?
I added 42lbs of LR last week. I know there was alot of die-off on the LR caused it had not been cured. My tank has no livestock so I thought it would help mature the tank with a good cycle.
After 1 week my new parameters are Ammonia >8.0ppm, NitrITE >5.0ppm, NitrATE 10ppm. My PO4 is still 0 (thanks to the Phosban Reactor). The Ammonia and NitrITE maxed my test kit.
Is this spike to big? Should I do a 50% WC or just let the tank ride it out?