HUGE Spike!!!


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I started my 75g on Jan 1 of this year. It contained 80lbs of Argonite sand and 40lbs of base rock. After 1 month the parameters were Ammonia 0.5ppm, NitrITE 1.0ppm, NitrATE 5.0ppm.

I added 42lbs of LR last week. I know there was alot of die-off on the LR caused it had not been cured. My tank has no livestock so I thought it would help mature the tank with a good cycle.

After 1 week my new parameters are Ammonia >8.0ppm, NitrITE >5.0ppm, NitrATE 10ppm. My PO4 is still 0 (thanks to the Phosban Reactor). The Ammonia and NitrITE maxed my test kit.

Is this spike to big? Should I do a 50% WC or just let the tank ride it out?
Added rock with die off...Yep youll get a spike...Be patient
yeah-I'd leave it alone--it will take a little longer-but the end results will be better-(you have a good bit more of good bacterias)
I rushed my first...learned my lesson...Sometimes I think everyone rushes their first salt tank...then we learn better when we go BIGGER lol :)
yeah-- I had a bad lesson to learn! I know I threw several hundred $$$ worth of LS down the drain from my first try; just be patient-JC
Thanks for the advice everyone. I wont touch a thing. I hope to add some live stock in about 2 or 3 months. I will probably turn the heater and lights on in about a month.
judochop;134621 wrote: I started my 75g on Jan 1 of this year. It contained 80lbs of Argonite sand and 40lbs of base rock. After 1 month the parameters were Ammonia 0.5ppm, NitrITE 1.0ppm, NitrATE 5.0ppm.

I added 42lbs of LR last week. I know there was alot of die-off on the LR caused it had not been cured. My tank has no livestock so I thought it would help mature the tank with a good cycle.

After 1 week my new parameters are Ammonia >8.0ppm, NitrITE >5.0ppm, NitrATE 10ppm. My PO4 is still 0 (thanks to the Phosban Reactor). The Ammonia and NitrITE maxed my test kit.

Is this spike to big? Should I do a 50% WC or just let the tank ride it out?

Ok, it looks like the tank has cycled. Ammonia and nitrite are 0. There is a small brown dusting on my rock and sand. The nitrates are over 100ppm.

So I take it I need to do a water change, right? Do I do weekly 50% water changes till the nitrates are gone or is there a better way? Should I turn on the heater and lights now? Also, is it time for a cleanup crew or do I wait longer? I hope to maybe buy a fish for it in a couple months. What do you guys think?
Major WC wait for them to drop then add least thats what I would do
And I would turn on your heater now... (actually, I would have had the heater on the whole time but that is just me... :) )
judochop;152999 wrote: Ok, it looks like the tank has cycled. Ammonia and nitrite are 0. There is a small brown dusting on my rock and sand. The nitrates are over 100ppm.
You are on the right path this is a diatom outbreak and completely normal and a sign of good progress. you can read more about it here
your live rock will populate with denitrifying bacteria. you should see the nitrate level drop within the next few weeks.

basically, your tank is still "cleaning" itself. you might want to add a skimmer now that your ammonia levels are at 0.

nice job with the phosphate reactor. you saved yourself months and months of headaches by starting your system with 0 ppm.
Are you running a fuge?And if so do You have any macro algae?Chaetomorpha does a really good job at keeping nitrates in check.I run a 6500K screw in power compact in a cheap clamp light and leave it on 24/7.It`ll also outcompete hair algae for nutrients and choke it out of Your display.