Huston we have a problem


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Roswell Georgia
Hello reef community as from the title we do have a problem. I'm a student and have a 40 gallon reef. My parents are starting to talk about how I should sell my reef tank and I feel like the conversation is not starting to become my choice anymore. Do not get wrong I would love to stay into the hobby. I would like to try and see if I can get like a small water box aquarium or like a JBJ of some sort. I just wanted to ask the forum to see if if someone has got an idea that can maybe help me through the situation. God bless

- Grey
You might want to show your parents Coralfish12g YouTube channel and share his journey. If you are very into the hobby, perhaps go his route with a much smaller tank- his handle references that when he was a student he always had a small relatively portable 12 gallon set up. I think he even sells or sold kits on his website for copies of his small student setup that you could replicate. But, bottom line this is a conversation for you and your parents. And it is your family’s decision to make, not the clubs.
Agree with Rainblood- I’m sure your folks just see how overwhelming this hobby can become. If they aren’t actively participating, it will certainly be a stretch. Kind of like when I got a dog my 2nd year in college. It was great at the time, but then I graduated, moved cities 3 times and had ticked off roommates that had to care for her when I’d travel for my first real job, etc… There’s always time later for this and I’m sure you can find lots of things to peak your interest without tying you down to them. Best of luck whichever way you go.
Sell it while you don't have a lot of money invested. Because if you stay you still won't have money because it all goes to this hobby. ;) In all honesty, weigh the pros and cons, listen to why they think you should sell. This is a decision for your family to make. And while you may not understand now, parents are probably looking out for your best interest.
I agree with everything that's been posted. If one of your parents isn't into the hobby then it's a recipe for disaster. Being in school and hanging out with friends will lead to a neglected system. It doesn't take much neglect to crash a tank. A reef system is a big commitment.
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Okay well Everyone I appreciate everyone's advice on this whole topic I talk to them tonight about it and see what we can do about this whole situation. Again thankyou to everyone for the help !!!
all that also may not mean you can't be engaged in some way - I'm not sure how old you are - but consider an entry level job in one of the LFS's if that is an option - I enjoyed volunteering at the Ga Aquarium when I did that but I'm not sure what their age requirements are and it is a long drive.

When I was 19 or so I volunteered at a local marine institute (I lived in California at the time) feeding all the animals twice a week.

There are several, fulfilling ways to remain or become engaged in saltwater husbandry / hobby.

Good luck to you