Hydor Koralias... First Problem


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I shut two of my pumps down for a few hours each evening cutting the flow in half. Well one of my clowns apparently thought it would be a good place to nest while it was off (Koralia 4 -1200gph). Not such a good place when she was spinning around inside it getting the crap kicked out of her after it came on. I thought it was just prop clank, but it went on for about 2 minutes before I got up and saw what was happening.

Good news is the clown seems to be doing fine after I shut the power down and she could escape. It was touch and go for a bit, but a while ago I checked on here and she was swimming with her mate at the top of the tank. She also ate some brine today an hour or so after the incident.

Closed loop here I come. Anyone looking for some Koralia 4s and 2s in a few weeks?
i like the hydor over the tunze. my tunze broke off its mount and started spinning around the tank, luckily i was home when it happened. i have read other people have had the same problem and have had a lot of damage. i really don't recommend the tunze product. but thats just my .02
I'll take the 2s off your hand. What's you want for them and Pickup at the meeting?
It is going to be a few weeks. I have to plumb the entire closed loop before I am going to sell them.
No way, tunze of hydor any day of the week. Tunze have a feature called "fish safe" or something, that every 10 seconds- it make one revolution of the prop to disuade fish from doing exactly this problem. Furthermore, no matter what anyone says, controlability is the best.
Shockingly the pumps won't kill a fish easily. I put my finger in there just to see when it started up. It wasn't that bad. I mean it could crack a fish good, but I think the survivability from such an encounter is probably good. I do have this thing on a softstart so that might be a help as well.
jmaneyapanda wrote: No way, tunze of hydor any day of the week. Tunze have a feature called "fish safe" or something, that every 10 seconds- it make one revolution of the prop to disuade fish from doing exactly this problem. Furthermore, no matter what anyone says, controlability is the best.

im not saying tunze as a company sucks, their very expensive powerheads are great. the nanostream is a cheaply made product though. i have owned both and i like the hydor far more. go to
a> and look up the nanostream to see some bad things have happened. the magnetic mount is breaking off from the powerhead. one guy lost a quarter of the water in his tank and his mh fried because it shot water everywhere after breaking. there is a defect on the nanostreams, it can be fixed with glue but for $70 it shouldn't be happening.
Big thanks Panda! I put a single 1 min rotation 3 minutes before my pumps turn on. Not as nice as a 10 second nod, but at least will give a fish a fighting chance to get out before the pumps turn on again.
One reason the Hydors don't damage fish as much is that the blade is a corkscrew and not the traditional bladed-type prop. It's not fun for the fish, but there'd be much less smacking and lacerations that with a regular prop design.

I solve the problem by never turning mine off except to feed. No rest for the fish!