Hydros controller 4


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Anybody tried one of these yet? I talked myself out of the apex, but I really think I want a controller on my tank. I would like one control source that I can get notifications from when I'm not home, as well as automate some daily functions.
Haven’t tried the Hydros, but following.

Also interested why you ‘talked yourself out of’ an Apex?
Didn't like the"complexity" of the programming, the pricing of a lot of their add-ons or some of the issues they were known for. I wanted something simpler. I like the coralvue but I'm aware they are also new, so there may be issues there
Thanks Dave, that's what I wanted to know. I read that you can use the basic off brand wifi power strips from Amazon ( I already have two on my tank), did you try this as well?
Hey Dave. You still liking the hydros? I keep trying to find reviews for this thing online, but it seems like only a few people have adopted it so far.
@gainesvillereef has integrated some of the Wave controllers with his Apex. I don't know if he's using any of the Hydros though.

He's pretty technical and likes what they're doing. Hopefully he'll chime in and give you more info.
As I recall, Carl is using the Hydros Wave Engine as the pump interface for his Apex.
He said ‘it is the s__t!’

Calling him ‘pretty technical’, ...yeah, that’s funny Adam! ;)
For anyone already with an Apex, wanting to control the Wave Engine as a direct pump interface, here’s how -

Got another question for you Dave. Are you using the actual hydros power strips, or did you buy some of the off-brand ones from amazon? If you're using the hydros branded, I'm curious how you set up your wiring considering there are only four outlets per power strip.