I apologize if i am instilling any paranoia

ralph atl

Active Member
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I apologize if i am instilling any paranoia in our great reefkeeping community, however, please look over at these results, as this is what I have been trying to communicate to our hobbyists for a long time (including RC, Talking reef, etc). Of course, I don't "know the testers from Adam", but you can make your own smart decisions.

dawgdude;125881 wrote: I want the Elos but I cant Freaking afford them!!!! Its $30 for the ammonia test alone! I might spring for the calc, kH, pH and mag but I think that would be it.

you don't need a $30.00 ammonia test anyway!

Get good test kits for measures that need exact testing.

Phosphate: must have a great one here or why test it?
nitrates: maybe (stick w Salifert for now)
Alk: use API for now
Cal: use tropic marine or use Salifert but stick with middle range
trites: don't need
PH: API or Salifert
Mag: Salifert if you stick with middle range, otherwise, get a good one
I was kinda hoping they did tests on IO test kit, IO is what i use and found them to be decent.
Here is a couple beefs with those tests... first Elos test kits aren't as precise. He should have tested for uneven numbers at least on Calcium. Also, I believe the Elos Phosphate kit isn't available in the States right now. Rumor has it there was a problem with production and they may pull the kit until the remedy the problem.
but either way, dd merck, hach, & colormeter are the proven low range phosphate test kits.
Check again.. out of stock and backorder is way more than 1-2weeks that they list.
I have ordered from the elosusa rep Jesse. He is an awesome person to talk to. Very informative & helpful.

jesse sira
I know... I was pointing out an error in his testing and Elos issues.

BTW, I don't think you are paranoid. I think these type of tests are inherently flawed requiring human input, cheap reagents, etc. What did scare me was the accuracy of every test he ran. I have never used a test (including a Lamotte I had) and not get varying results. Elos does cover this up somewhat as their resolution is low, but still at least one test in the mix should have been above or below the norm. It is odd for a test kit not to lie at least once out of 10 times even if slightly off. Some of those Elos kits registered the same value every single time which is suspect to me.
I have considered ordering their master kit from him but it is a lot of dough to drop on a test kit and their mag is pretty useless and their Ca resolution is a bit low. The rumor on phosphates has me a bit spooked as well. I look forward to seeing your results with it.
Cameron;125905 wrote: It is odd for a test kit not to lie at least once out of 10 times even if slightly off. Some of those Elos kits registered the same value every single time which is suspect to me.

I agree, it appears awfully fishy (pun intended) that they didn't vary at all on all of the Elos test passes but did on the other brands.

I agree that the Salifert Phosphate and Nitrate tests are useless. I have never ran one of those tests and had a reading over 0.
Schwaggs, you might want to test your tap water. my Salifert PO4 test measures my tap water at .3ppm plus. ( might be helpful to no that it at least works in the high range)

Also i have tested many reef tanks at very high reading so they do have <u>some </u>use. (the low range is another story)
Good idea Roland, I will give that a try... At least I can tell if I have a bad test kit or if I just need a higher resolution kit...