I bought a Yellow Wrasse Today....


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East Cobb
and now I can't find it anywhere. It took to the tank like it was born there. Ate right away, held its own/didn't back down when tested by the clowns and now its gone. There is egg crate over the top, but there is an open space about 6x6 inches where I cut a section to make a skimmer stand. I put the net over as a stop gap until I can get the regular lid together, but there is still space there. How far could it have flown if it jumped? Do I need to expand my search area?
Lol I have a yellow corris and he goes missing for days just shows up out of no where longest time was about a week and a half don’t stress

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Lol I have a yellow corris and he goes missing for days just shows up out of no where longest time was about a week and a half don’t stress

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I was kind of freaked out because he took to the tank like it was his own personal playground. Didn't hide or cower in a corner or anything.
I'll keep an eye out, thanks
I haven’t seen mine in a few days and I was deep cleaning my sand bed today and he darted out and then 2 seconds later I watched him completely nose himself into the sand and disappear

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I figured they only did that when the lights went out
They do it when they are stressed or even just want to get away and hide. I have one with a little 18x12 acrylic box filled with sand. I see him swimming around one minute and then even before lights out, he's in the sand.

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When I got my yellow Coris I didn't see him for a week - he immediately darted into the sand and stayed for a long time. I was worried I'd lost him. Now he's out all the time :p
Yup... this is the story told by 90% of people after they get their first wrasse.

My response: Do you have a good lid? If so, he’s almost certainly in there. Otherwise, check the floor around your tank for some peace-of-mind. Then rest easy knowing that he is mentally recovering from the move, and that in time, when he is comfortable, he will come out on his own. That’s all you can do. Give him some peace and a happy home! The rest is up to him.
If it got out, do you have a dog or cat? I could see a fish on the floor getting eaten if it did escape. Hopefully it's just in hiding as others have seen.