I did a very very newb thing


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So I went to Chattanooga today with the wife for our annaversary. On our way home I remembered that there is a fish store on on the road by where we used to live so I asked if we could drop by. We went in and sure enough she finds something she really really likes, so we get it. I didn't do any research priory to getting it, didn't know what I was buying and I pretty much new more than the guy helping me. I think I need the stupid sign.

Now, I came home and acclimated the new anemone, dropped him in the tank and he is doing great. From the research I have done since I have gotten home says I should be okay keeping him but he will lose his color because he was dyed to being with. What's the verdict?

Sebae Anemone (currently a nice pretty Yellow with pink/purple tips) under 108 Watt of PC about ~5-6 in from the light. How soon with the dye go away? I think that the light should be okay but what's others opinions? Bulbs are less than 3 months old from what I know.

Thanks, and I guess this is a live and learn situation. As stupid as I feel I think that me having it is better than it sitting in the tank at the store under just a normal NO t8 strip light...
I have heard of them dying rather then loosing the coloration unfortunately. From what I have heard they live and the color remains but they don't last long. This is of course what I have head and not my experience.
Was that the biocube you bought from me? If so 2 of those bulbs were two weeks old and one was BNIB.

Rig that LED on the lights, that thing will throw off even more par.... more than enough IMO.
Yea, I couldn't remember what you told me the age of the bulbs were but I remembered you saying they were new so I figured saying less than 3 months would be a safe bet.
The one in the rear is unknown age... If you haven't replaced it yet, change it out with the new one.
Lol, yep I was so excited to get it home I forgot which one you said was of unknown age. I will do that in the AM.

As for the anemone, it seems it's about 50/50, they either regain the zooanthellae or die. I know it is my fault for buying something without research but I can't help but be mad at a store that orders these things. I will do my best to keep it alive for as long as I can and not make this mistake again. Shame on me I suppose...
db366;664557 wrote: Lol, yep I was so excited to get it home I forgot which one you said was of unknown age. I will do that in the AM.

As for the anemone, it seems it's about 50/50, they either regain the zooanthellae or die. I know it is my fault for buying something without research but I can't help but be mad at a store that orders these things. I will do my best to keep it alive for as long as I can and not make this mistake again. Shame on me I suppose...

You never know you could be the exception and he could live for a very long time, or the people I talked to could be completely wrong...
db366;664557 wrote: Lol, yep I was so excited to get it home I forgot which one you said was of unknown age. I will do that in the AM.

As for the anemone, it seems it's about 50/50, they either regain the zooanthellae or die. I know it is my fault for buying something without research but I can't help but be mad at a store that orders these things. I will do my best to keep it alive for as long as I can and not make this mistake again. Shame on me I suppose...
Your assumption that the LFS ordered that particular anemone may be incorrect. I've personally been with store owners when shipments came in and heard how upset they were when opening up corals they did not order, your dyed sebae being one of them. They have no choice but keep the animal and try to sell it but should do so only with full disclosure.
Dyed will soon equal died. :(

A biocube is way too small for that specie of anemone. If it lives, it will get way big. Sadly I don't think that will end up being a problem.

I can't believe people still dye stuff... :-/
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So 3 months later it's still kicking. Although I will say that until yesterday it's foot had never stuck to anything, it has just kinda floated around the tank. I cleaned the tank about 4-5 days ago and moved it to the front and stuck it's foot into a small piece of PVC. It walked away from the pvc and then stuck it's foot under a rock on the side of the tank. It looks to be starting to open more so I guess it likes the LED's.
IRahmatulla;699012 wrote: That thing is beautiful. Has the color faded much/at all?

So far the color has faded slightly. The tips changed from bring pink to blue. That could be the change in lighting as well. Essentially I went from PC to a 250 watt metal halide.
In all the reading I have done on salt, sebae's are the only things I have ever heard of being dyed. However when it comes to fresh, many fish can/have been dyed. I may be wrong. I guess that is why they suggest research before purchase. That way you know what you are going to get, and healthy specimen should look like.
Other than that great advice somethimes it can be tricky going by pictures you find online. A lot of corals out there look completely different under different light set ups.