I did it again...


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So my tank was looking really good so my good old friend Murphy dropped my a line....

I got home today and walked in on this.

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My first thought was that I was percipitating calcium so I checked and my calcium was at 375.

My second thought was to check the dosing system... I noticed I had pumped about 1200ml of soda ash into the tank in the past hour. When I checked the Alk levels in the tank it was right at 11 so off to the store I went to get water. 40 gallons of fresh saltwater later. My Alk is back down to 9.2 and Ph is around 8.3 so I think I might have skirted a meltdown. All my corals look fine and I only lost one Chromis. The tank looks like this now.

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I'm working from home tomorrow so I plan on another 30 gallon water change.

Looks like you're getting a handle on it. Best of luck to ya.
What could have made it cloud up like that? That must of been a heart attack waiting to happen.
Jeez Perry, if you need any help I'll be around till class at about 3:00.
If you need water Perry, you know where it is in my basement....I am in Mississippi till Friday..

75 gallons sitting there
Man that sucks. You are having a rough year with the tank. Hope everything makes it.

I see a copperband... u have a crazy hardy one. My friend croaked withing 2 weeks with perfect conditons... well someone what perfect.
I assume it was the doser but I'm not sure how it was doing it. Looked like a slow drip coming from it but it should have been stopped.... Anyways, everything looks great today much like Derek's tank..... go figure. All my parameters are back in check so I guess I'm good. Still going to do another 30 gallon water change this afternoon. No other reason but just because I have the water made.