I have a sick naso


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I'm really NOT much of a fish guy , so I'm a bit at a loss of what to do here.
I've had this guy a month and he has been great. He scarfs down anything I can throw in the tank. Last night he was doing fantastic w lots of personality.
Well, today he was wedged under a rock panting. He looks a LOT thinner than he was last night (particularly on his left side)?
There are no marks other than a few abrasions where he was under the rock all day.
I have him corralled for observation at the moment.
Here are some pictures.
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Notice the shallow look on this side. (Above pic)

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It's crazy he was so much fatter last night.... No joke.
Has me scratching my head.
Thanks for any advise

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
His eyes watch everything and he breaths ok.... But there's really no swimming.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
My no3 is 1.5
Nothing stresses him in the tank.
He eats 3x a day
The only thing I can think of
I've raised my no3 by 1.5 ppm over 3 days with NaNO3. Dissolved first. No chance he got a piece of it before it dissolved.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
My regal hid in my rock work and was panting really hard for like 3 days, didn't come out to eat, I thought he was a goner for sure, then all of a sudden he came back out and started eating like nothing had happened. No idea either.
He didn't make the night.
This was like the rtn of fish.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.