I havent seen this open yet...what is it?

just josh

Reaction score
An anomenea?

How high or low in the tank and what flow?

Sorry im really new!!!

thanks in advance!!
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I can't tell what it is under the blue light.
Blue led's are difficult to photo under , try it later with the other bulbs on.
Does it have a skeleton? Or is it all soft tissue?

My first thought was Caulastrea sp. (Trumpet/Candy Cane) but it could be any number of different things.

Did you put it there, or was it a hitchhiker?

Looks like there is a mushroom growing off to the left. In front of the Clown. Looks like another one up to the right of the Candy Cane/Trumpet Coral. That is all I was able to see. If you are referring to the mushrooms, they are okay, but will sting other corals, and they populate quickly.
The one thats glowing under the blue light....thats a candy cane??
Does it need to be high or low in tbe tank??

Edit: I just bought a new tank and idk half of whats in there cuz it hasnt opened yet....
What size is your tank? Dimensions of tank? What lighting?
Candy Cane Coral should normally be placed in the lower half of your tank.

So help us understand...are you saying you purchased a tank that was up and running that already had corals in it? If so, are you using the original sand, live rock, and a good portion of the water?
If you installed new sand, a bunch of new live rock, as well as all new water...you are going to likely run into issues if not surely. As that tank would need to cycle.
Has your tank cycled, and you are buying live rock with Corals already on them?

In the future, you should do a little bit of research (even if on your phone right there in the store) prior to purchase any corals or fish. Sometimes with impulse buys, you end up with something that is not compatible, or your hardware is not adequate to sustain the life of that coral or fish.

We were all new at one point. So no problem asking the questions. We've all been there done that, and still continue to do so.

Also, any time you have an issue with coral or fish, you will want to give the information such as:
Tank size
Lighting (type/lighting on time interval)
Parameters (Temp, Salinity, pH, Alk, Calc, Mag, Phos, Nitrites, Nitrates, Ammonia are the main ones)
Clean up crew (Snails/Crab types)
Fish type
Water Change interval

Probably covers most of it right there.

I have a thread on my setup and everything ive done....

the guy was rushed because he was moving out of an apartment...I didnt have time to take down all the names of what was in the tank and ive been searching through pictures. Ive researched so much ive onky slept 6 hrs in tge last two days since ive had the tank.

it is a candy cane I am referring to. It just looked ugly and I thought it would open up...lol.

Ive had the water tested , I did a 20 percent swap because it hadnt been done in a while.

the tank is established over a year.... you can see my thread in tge nano section.

I still would love any pointers on the setup. Ive already figured out about the media bag setup and learning proper care and replacement of my bio filter parts.

I want to get fresh chato replace mine and add a light to the refarg. ...(im learning the words to this stuff....my first post not so much LOL)

I am very new to the hobby but a Prefectionist when it comes to certian things that I enjoy. This is DEF one of them. Check my thread for me pretty please. Im getting a powerhead asap as the other one he said became clogged w coralline algea growth after I took it apart and inspected it.

I will have a perfect tank come hell or high water and I know nothing but bad things happen fast for beginners. So I am on my toes. I have a lig already and appreciate any tips and time you took to help me!!!!

Thanks again!!!

He said his ammonia is at 25ppm in his other thread. Could have and hopefully did mean .25ppm but it seems either way his tank is indeed cycling.
Fyi I have been so worried about the life of every organisim in the tank. I cant stop inspecting things to make sure it is ok and researching for to dos n dont dos and have learned a ton.

I am worried about pump failure more than my water as the water is fine now. He did let the tank go a little but no biggie. If the powerhead has become defunct then surely the pumps are close or at least reduced in function due to wear and age ...correct??

thanks guys ( n gals)!!!!

Edit: That paper said .25 but looked like a dash..... she said to wait till ammonia 0 to add any cleaner crew. Id like a peppermint shrimp!
JDavid;916133 wrote: He said his ammonia is at 25ppm in his other thread. Could have and hopefully did mean .25ppm but it seems either way his tank is indeed cycling.

Yeah just noticed the other thread.

just josh;916135 wrote: Fyi I have been so worried about the life of every organisim in the tank. I cant stop inspecting things to make sure it is ok and researching for to dos n dont dos and have learned a ton.

I am worried about pump failure more than my water as the water is fine now. He did let the tank go a little but no biggie. If the powerhead has become defunct then surely the pumps are close or at least reduced in function due to wear and age ...correct??

thanks guys ( n gals)!!!!

Edit: That paper said .25 but looked like a dash..... she said to wait till ammonia 0 to add any cleaner crew. Id like a peppermint shrimp!

Shrimp are cool, however, they can and will pick at corals from time to time. You will likely enjoy a Cleaner Shrimp as they are nicer to look at. Just make sure you keep them fed.

As for the Pump/Powerhead. You will want to clean them once a month or so. They will get algae and gunk in them so you need to keep them clean. Not a bad idea to have a spare Powerhead for just in case. IIRC that was a BioCube or similar, so I've had good luck with small Pumps from Harbor Freight believe it or not, and they are cheap.

Those bags you mentioned in the other thread were likely Carbon, and GFO which both take impurities out of the water.
Ok...awesome! It wont let me upload any more pics here....but id lije to show yall...

no carbon in the system but I understand the carbon filters well.

i will re research the words of the filter bags. They all look to me like they have rocks or crushed white coral but I know there is a chunk of live rock in the very very bottom.

thanks for the tips guys!!!! I appreciate it!!!
I haven't seen the other thread but I'll check it out here in a bit.

How/who tested the water and got .25 ammonia? While it's possible - maybe even probably given that you just moved the tank, if it was tested with an API test kit, they're notorious for giving a .25 reading even when no ammonia is present.

To be on the safe side, you can treat the water with a dose of Seachem Prime OR AquaVitro Alpha. Both products will bind to any ammonia or nitrite (or nitrate) and render them less toxic, so if it is there, it will not be *as* harmful. It will still show up in a water test, but it will lessen the danger to your inhabitants while the tank finds its equilibrium again.

We can help you identify what you got - it can be overwhelming when you take something over from someone else and you don't necessarily have time to jot it all down or research it all in the moment. We'll sort you out :)

"Refugium" - that's what you're looking for a light for, yes? No worries on the lingo - you'll pick it up as you go and we'll help you out.

Welcome to ARC - I hope you have many years of success and enjoyment from your new tank!

Thank you SO much jenn!!!!!

I will try my best!!!

Edit: It was in woodstock.... creation?

Really nice guy and gal!!!

Idk I was in such a stupid hurry for the test n water change n to recheck temp n make sure flow was right I didnt get to ask many questions. I literally ran outta the house barefoot because I was on an extremely limited timeframe lol

Needless to say being so worried about everything too Doesn't necessaraly help the situation! Lol

thanks yall. I will get a full test tomorrow in a little less rushed fashion lol

I want to get a full test even if I have to pay. I need to know exactly whats going on in the water....