What size is your tank? Dimensions of tank? What lighting?
Candy Cane Coral should normally be placed in the lower half of your tank.
So help us understand...are you saying you purchased a tank that was up and running that already had corals in it? If so, are you using the original sand, live rock, and a good portion of the water?
If you installed new sand, a bunch of new live rock, as well as all new water...you are going to likely run into issues if not surely. As that tank would need to cycle.
Has your tank cycled, and you are buying live rock with Corals already on them?
In the future, you should do a little bit of research (even if on your phone right there in the store) prior to purchase any corals or fish. Sometimes with impulse buys, you end up with something that is not compatible, or your hardware is not adequate to sustain the life of that coral or fish.
We were all new at one point. So no problem asking the questions. We've all been there done that, and still continue to do so.
Also, any time you have an issue with coral or fish, you will want to give the information such as:
Tank size
Lighting (type/lighting on time interval)
Parameters (Temp, Salinity, pH, Alk, Calc, Mag, Phos, Nitrites, Nitrates, Ammonia are the main ones)
Clean up crew (Snails/Crab types)
Fish type
Water Change interval
Probably covers most of it right there.