I just about have her convinced


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My wife has had a rule of nothing over 50 gallons since I have been back in the hobby. Right now I mantain around 120 gallons of water. We recently did some moving around of stuff to make room for my frag setup and I made enogh room for a 120 and my frag tank :yes: . After some talking and showing her how I could set this up without alot of out of pocket expense I think I have her talked into it. If I do this I'm going to be using alot of stuff I already have and selling off some stuff to get the few things I need. So looks like I'm in the market for a 4' 120 or 140.
awesome glad to hear she finally broke down and is gonna let you throw the 50 gal rule out the window, need any help you got my num.
So are you going to do that 2 30 cubes and and shared sump deal?
thedeper;259387 wrote: What about the 40 breeder? That sure is a nice set up to be replacing.
It will probably get taken down. I would use the sump I have for it on the new tank. I'm Figuring the 120 would actually be easier to manage than three systems.Plus the freshwater setup my son is getting plus the pond. I just have too many systems to manage right now. I know I will be keeping the frag tank I'm in the middle of building but its gonna be plumbed into the big tank.
PM me your wife's number. I'll give her a call and let her know there is NO WAY you'll stick to budget. J/K. :lol2:
Good Luck.
Cant wait to see the tank John. I hope to get a 120 soon as well. Just waiting for the right deal. Let me know if you need me to hold some of your corals while moving everything over.
johnr2604;259394 wrote: Figuring the 120 would actually be easier to manage than three systems.

I had 3 tanks at one time and threw them all into my 120. Best thing that I've done. You can fit most fish, coral etc in a 120. And 1 tank is FAR easier to maintain than multi-tanks! For sure!

Glad the wife agrees :thumbs:
What you need to do is talk up getting say a 240 or 300 --tell her how set you are on it and how great it's gonna look, etc. etc.--have her convinced that you're getting a HUGE tank--then at the last min. say-look what i found-this measley 120 (or 140) I know it's half the size of the 240, but I could tell you really didn't want the 240-it'd prob. be overkill anyways, so I got this tank with YOU in mind-haha-she'll buy it-I'm sure!
Amberjack;260034 wrote: Way to Go, John. I'm suprised it took you this long to talk her into it. Knowing you, you could sell sand in the desert.
Or ice cream in the Arctic!!
Well I did it.:yay: I ordered the tank today 4x24x24 Reef ready. Should have it beginning of the week.