(I made) my nem split!


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photos say more than a 1000 words...

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Ev5HYy-hgao/S7PVne5slEI/AAAAAAAAD0U/Ff857NGmzBo/s800/CIMG2186.JPG" alt="" />


As of right now, all splits are doing great and spoken for...

You mean because they're shriveled up?

Let me think: NO
That must have been me with the razor blade that caused that... haha
Darn Robb, how long before they heal and establish their own mouths and foot? Please post progress, I'd love to know how it goes because the nem that we have is ginormous.
twocute2b4u;490244 wrote: Darn Robb, how long before they heal and establish their own mouths and foot? Please post progress, I'd love to know how it goes because the nem that we have is ginormous.

Depending on who you read it can take as little as 10 days or up to 4 weeks.
Wow robb, thats amazing lol

i'd be a little afraid to do that..maybe i'll get the guts to do it with this nice one i have lol
Haha Matt,
I am going back to work next week - I have something for you, and you have something for Barry, right?
They heal pretty quickly. The small one will take a lot longer than the 2 large ones. I always keep them away from clowns for the first week or so, and dont feed them until the mouth is close to center. Good luck.
There are actually two quarters (aka the small ones) and one large one (half) - all three are looking okay today, doubt they'll give me any problems...
That's the way I cut mine the first time. The second time I quartered them. It took much longer for the quarters to heal than the half and quarter for some reason. In cutting it 4 different occasions, I only lost 1.
PM me if you can stop by tomorrow after work.
Hi Robb,

Just curiosity....did you feed your nem anything special to make it split, or is it just a natural thing for these things to split?
LilRobb;490701 wrote: Felix,

I "fed" it a razorblade - this is NOT a natural split...

Is there any special way to cut it? This is very interesting. I have 2 in my tank and I may do the same thing some day.
Many vids on youtube,

Basically don't cut the pieces too small and each piece needs a piece of the mouth AND the foot.
I once had a 'foot only' piece that developed new tentacles - but I wouldn't bet on it.

Does it matter if you cut it during the day or at night? When it fully extends or when it shrinks? Would lighting affect its healing process by any chance?
Night or day doesn't matter - it will shrink anyways as soon as you lift it out of the water.
I personally think light will make it heal faster - but there are other opinions out there.