I missed the meeting -- how was the photo lesson?


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I really wanted to see everyone at Marine Fish for the photo opp and lesson.

Any points you learned you might care to share?

Hoping a thread will be started to post some of the pictures from last night. Perhaps a new album in the gallery?
One thing I learned is I need to get a tripod.
the talk was a basic review of camera technique.

almost any digital camera can take a good coral pic. the trick is knowing your camera's abilities and having a tripod. the more that you practice, the better your pictures will eventually be.

get the proper exposure. bracket the exposure meaning take multiple pictures at one stop below, at and above proper exposure. have the camera as steady as possible. use tripod, remote trigger or timer, mirror lock up if you have digital slr. proper composition. use rule of thirds.

general rules for coral photography. clean the glass/acrylic before you take pictures. give enough time for coral in tank to re-open. turn off pumps, so that corals are not unnecessarily moving. for sps, compose the shots and turn flow off just as you are ready. compose the picture so that there are no visual distractions such as airbubles, scratched glass/acrylic, over exposed sand/live rock.

he provided a link for what he does in photoshop. using photoshop gets rid of the blueish tint that is in most of our tanks.

i'm sure i forgot some, but this covers the basics.
Nice update -- thank you.

Sounds like many of the tips are applicable to most photo situations -- of course with the exception of cleaning the glass, turning off the pumps, etc.

Thanks again for taking the time to summarize the meeting.

Hope you got some good shots at Marine Fish!
