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How to acclimate a brittle starfish?
Will the starfish die if not accimilated?

I am a reef tank beginner (1 week into it) and i bought a cleaning crew for my tank and the hubby just dumped them all in (mostly crabs and snails..but one serpent star) yikes!! :yikes:
I have heard that you have to accimilate everything?
My starfish is uder the live rock and hasn't come out yet. (crabs and snails are doing good) I'm, kinda nervous about the sea star.:unsure:
ANY input/advice would be appreciated.....
There's not much you can do about it now - in the future, acclimate <u>everything</u> with a slow drip.
Use an airhose with a knot in it an drip from the main tank to a container for about an hour.
Do not pour all of the water into the tank as you do not want much of the original water in your tank at all.
alos if the tank has only been setup a week it is way to soon to add such things. hermits etc will probley live but starfish is most likely goin to need to be replaced.:unsure:
a great idea for asking here! Welcome! please do some research BEFORE u buy anything else. You really shouldn't have anything in that tank for the first 4-6 weeks. Here is a start:



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Thanks to all for you that responded...the sea star is doing good....moving around the tank. It's going to be a while before i buy anything...:doh: