I need help QUICK!!!


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ok long story short i got a blonde naso it has been picking at walls and rocks but not eating off the clip......a day or so ago i thought he was gone and finally he came out of hiding....he has been hiding ever since off on and and tonight i come home and he is sitting on the bottom of the sand.......I literally touched him with the night and he began to make a swimming motion. and then he went back to the bottom i caught him in the net and he was "swimming" a bit kinda flipping his tail like he was trying to swim so i let him out of the net and he sunk right back to the bottom of the tank.

PH 8.0
Ammonia .50
Trates 0
Trites 0

sailfin is doing GREAT
new regal is doing AWSOME
3 green chromis are find and dandy
2 clowns are fine
1 firefish is fine.

should i take the blonde out of my tank and over to my g/fs the only thing is that tank is a 14 gallon biocube with about 10 lbs. of rock in it......but it has been up for 8 months with various corals and fish in it off and on but it has nothign in it now excpet for the obvious water sand rock all that.

should i take him over to teh 14 soak some algae in some garlic and see if i can get him to start eating??? what should i do? also my g/f is heading to wal mart right now what type of garlic should she look for to soak the food in?

All water params were tested like 2 days ago
his body is kinda curled into a half moon shape with his tail on the sand and his nose on the sand.......his front two fins are flapping his eyes are moving around but his tail is not moving......the only time he will move is if physically touch him.

i dont see any signs of cuts or anythign like that any advice guys???
no actually the sailfin and him were intrduced at the same time and the became very close always together because i had a yellow tang that was beating up on them....I got rid of the yellow tang the same day i introduced the blonde and the sailfin. He has been in the tank for about a month now....
sorry to say, but he's a gonner. Probably starved to death.
Seems your ammonia is a bit high, did something else come up missing?
no....nothing has come up missing at all everythign else is doing fine......He was grazing on rocks and hair algae ( i have a bad hair algae problem on my back wall) and he was grazing on it since he has been in the tank. Has anyone else ever had their tang starve to death like this? It like he doenst have enough energy to swim
90....yes i know alot of opinons to small for 2 or 3 tangs....all of the tangs are a 3 to 4 inches and smaller and i do plan to up grade i was actually looking at the 125 for sale but thats a diff. subject.
I've seen the same thing with Naso tangs before. It's starvation. Even if h'e grazing, the type of algae he's consuming is probably not everything he needs nutritionally, or just not enough food in total.
can you guys post up what you have all had success with feeding your tangs........i mean i am putting the seaweed veggie sheets on a veggie clip and my sailfin loves it........my yellow tang loved it when i had him i have not seen my regal it off of it yet becuase i just got him a day or so ago. What do you all feed your tangs?
roman lettuce. i also feed my yellow and kole tang brown algae sheets. broccolii works for me. my regal did the same thing as your naso but mine ate great
I wonder if your fish might have been collected using cyanide. Fish can seem perfectly fine initially, then decline quickly and die.
Linda Lee;208218 wrote: I wonder if your fish might have been collected using cyanide. Fish can seem perfectly fine initially, then decline quickly and die.

heard of this too. be weary of where you get your fish sometimes. ask you dealer who they buy from esp if your dropping $50-100+ on a fish that can just die for no reason. Some will only buy from net caught sources some just get whatever.

however they could lie, or honestly not know, I am unsure how the business works any further than what I've been told by various lfs, but why not ask?

but back on topic, I feed mine red marine algae thats already garlic soaked so I don't have to do that. I also feed the green ocean nutrition cubes a couple times a week to supplement just in case. Romain has little nutritional value.

good luck. you could have had an ammonia spike and missed it by adding so many fish at one time. Remember you have 3 tangs eating off that clip now, consider getting a second clip or remember to restock a couple times a day or it will go bad or someone will not eat enough I would think.
i have 3 diff. veggie clips in my tank.....and i havent added these fish all at once......i have added them over the course of 8 - 9 months...

The naso didnt make it through the night but i woke up and my regal was eating off of one of the clips for the first time he is fat and happy now.....so i guesss it was just a starvation thing like you guys said. If i had a spike i dont know where it wouldve come from because like i said i have added these fish over the course of a year and the regal just went in my tank 2 days ago so the most tangs i have had was 2 remember the yellow tang i had i took out the day i got the sailfin and the blonde naso
I wanted to thank everyone for trying to help me with this last night. not to my suprise at all the naso did not make it last night. I would love to get another blonde naso if anyone knows of any stores selling them that they are positive are eating and all that good stuff let me know. Thanks again
sorry to hear that. The rubbing into flakes works well, and whatever the tang does not eat, your cleaner crew will love.
and sorry I read through fast and it sounded like you just got the other two in this system a couple weeks ago and now added a blue tang. =3 tangs in a 1 month span is way too much stress on the system.
O now i see where you were going stickx yeah you are right that regal wouldve been the third right at a one month I was thinking yellow plus this two sorry about that. But my troubles with this Naso have been around for about 2 weeks now. But i do see where you were going with that i just couldnt resist getting a healthy regal for 40 PERCENT OFF from cap bay you know. But again thank you for all of the help
non taken dawg....i appreciate the help and the tips i was just ready to be "done" in the fish area since it was planned that the regal would be the last fish i was adding....but i am gonna slow down and just let the tank grow for a while after this loss. It has been my first major loss since starting the hobby.