i ordered this new fish!


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I am getting the smaller version of this fish on friday. I'm usually not a flowerhorn fan, but i couldn't say no to this. I'm sure some people will think it's ugly, but i love it. paid alot for it :(


Edit: so you like it or hate it? i don't mind if you hate it. just curious.
Is this a reef fish or cichlid? I have seen on "Blue Planet" a fish that is similar in shape. It eats the LR and coral and after digestion releases sand. Not sure, what kind of tank is it going in?

FWIW the coloration is beautiful!
it's a flowerhorn. a hybrid from a ciclid.

you're talking about a parrot fish.
Flowerhorn. But this one is named the blue platinum flowerhorn. supposed to be a new strain. google flowerhorns and you won't see one with this color.

i just hope i get it looking like this one day. i ordered a smaller one.
Haha. Thanks. Mine is half this size and not looking crazy yet. I can't wait till he gets crazy!
He has bitten me a few times. Its the cichclid in him I guess.
Hey Dylan,
I like my new half moon setup. it's only 30 gallons, but looks alot bigger. It's thru the 2nd day of cycling, and it is getting kinda blurry. is that normal for freshwater cycles?

I went with PURPLE gravel. kinda odd (i'll blame my gf). i guess like this fish, it's one of those "you either like it, or u hate it". what do u think?

I don't think you could have chosen a better set up for that fish!!! The tank certainly screams "Hey! Look over here!"

As far as cycling goes, the haze is pretty normal. You're using the stability right? I DO like that product, as well as the microbacter 7.

When are you moving him over? Is there any form of waste going into the tank at this point?

When you do move him in, I would still continue to use the stability or microbacter for another week or so. That's just me being a little paranoid, but when you are talking about a &lt;$15 bottle of product vs $200 fish, I'd buy the bacteria!
Yes, I used stability. and i threw a piece of shrimp in it. and buffer to get the ph closer to 7.0ish.

I was planning on moving him over after a week. That is, after you test the water for me and give me the okay. :)

Edit: so do u think i should go and get some microbacter too?
I think stability will be fine for freshwater. I have been using it for +-9 years, and have had great results. I have only recently switched to the microbacter, but that is because I am only running marine tanks.

Stability has bacteria that mainly focus on consuming ammonia and nitrite. This is great for fresh and salt water.

Microbacter contains 7 different bacterial colonies that consume ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon. In a salt water, this product is enhanced by "carbon" or "vodka" dosing. Once the bacteria consumes the carbon, phosphate, and nitrate it will be consumed by filter feeding invertebrates or removed by the skimmer.

Microbacter is generally more expensive, so if you don't NEED it for fresh water, just stick with the stability.

As far as the shrimp goes, I have never actually tried that! I have always assumed that it would take at least a week or so for the shrimp to begin decompose. Some people add pure ammonia, some people pee in their tanks.... Not me.

I've just added fish very slowly, dosed bacteria for a longer duration than factory reccomends, and fed lightly.
Ripped Tide;712642 wrote: I think stability will be fine for freshwater. I have been using it for +-9 years, and have had great results. I have only recently switched to the microbacter, but that is because I am only running marine tanks.

Stability has bacteria that mainly focus on consuming ammonia and nitrite. This is great for fresh and salt water.

Microbacter contains 7 different bacterial colonies that consume ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon. In a salt water, this product is enhanced by "carbon" or "vodka" dosing. Once the bacteria consumes the carbon, phosphate, and nitrate it will be consumed by filter feeding invertebrates or removed by the skimmer.

Microbacter is generally more expensive, so if you don't NEED it for fresh water, just stick with the stability.

As far as the shrimp goes, I have never actually tried that! I have always assumed that it would take at least a week or so for the shrimp to begin decompose. Some people add pure ammonia, some people pee in their tanks.... Not me.

I've just added fish very slowly, dosed bacteria for a longer duration than factory reccomends, and fed lightly.

stability will consume ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon as well....they just dont state it on like good old brightwell does.
nholderried65;712659 wrote: stability will consume ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon as well....they just dont state it on like good old brightwell does.

Haha, marketing counts
Thanks Timmy! Nick is a very smart guy, always reading articles and learning new techniques. I tend to want to stick to my dinosaur methods, although I'm coming around. ;) (just bought a vortech yesterday).

Bring some water in to the shop in a few days and one of us will test it up!
Interesting fish, but I'd be tempted to get a sharpie out and paint its helmet a different color. LOL