I think my sand bed is leaching phos/nitrates


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I'm using recycled sad some of which came from my pico reef but most came with the system .
A few weeks back I saw some hair algae getting thick in a few places , I started looking in to why , and never determined a cause , treated with algae killer for 4-5 days and most cleared up.
Then I started seeing the cyano I asked about a week or so back , I took the advice given and treatment administered cyano goen in 48 hours t still can't determine the nutrient source.
My parameters read ammonia 0 , nitrite 0, nitrate 5 phosphate .3-.5 .
I feed very little IMO fish get mysis/algae once every other day aprox 1/4 cube .
On the off day I feed a small amount of flakes/pellet food 2x a day .
I feed my dendro and my nems either mysis or tiny chunks or table shrimp I soak in reef fuel , I do this every 3rd day every other for the dendro .
The coral get fuel and brightwells snow and gold m on the same 3 day cycle as the nems .
I'm feeding 2 fire fish a 6line wrasse ahark nose goby , and 2 juvenile clownfish baby's about 3/4" long

I had a sand sifting star go missing 3-4 weeks ago that I couldn't locate despite my efforts that may be the cause but my cuc works fast.

Today I was looking at algae on the glass growing below the sand line in places where the sand is deeper from the current pushing it about and thought about the nutrients coming out of the sand bed.

There is something producing nutrition , I'm running a skimmer 24/7 I change floss energy 2nd day I'm running purogen and phosguard as well as macro algae on a 24 hour schedule .

I had considered that my pc bulbs need replacing (im only using the actinct the white was switched out to some led's I already had) I have got a dimmable drive and led's ordered and once here the pc bulb go in the trash .

I have about 35 lbs in a 29G bc . It's about 3-3.5" deep

So if its in my substrate do I need to remove the sand bed as much as possible or is it more trouble than its worth ?
I'd considered crushed coral if I ever broke down to move or something but I really don't want to tear it all down if its not needed , would it benefit to try and just scoop some of the bed out making it shallower , I thought that may make it easier for the sifters and cuc etc to keep it clean and also less sand for nitrates and phosphate to get trapped in.
Or would digging through the sand release more trapped toxins.

I have several sand sifters in my cuc but perhaps its to deep for them to be effective.
My lighting schedule may also be part of the cause .
My moonlights come on at 8:30am and stay on all day at 9:30 the white is on + blue at 4:30 white go off and blue pc bul
Stays on til 8:00 at 10pm moonlight off , does this seem like to much ?

Anyone that may have any input or advice please share.
Thanks for the input.