i want a porcupine puffer

I love them, as long as you have a large tank with good filtration ie. oversized skimmer and good bio you should have no issues. Well unless you have certain corals going on.
i got a guy who wants to trade me a puffer thatis 5 inches for 8 heads of purple zoas and 15 lbs of rock
What's in the tank now?

I like this chart. Not always useful, but good for reference. http://www.liveaquaria.com/general/compatibility_chart.cfm">http://www.liveaquaria.com/general/compatibility_chart.cfm</a>

Don't puffers get pretty large and eat inverts? I don't know much about them. I was just jackin' with ya.
i he wouldget along with what i have....are they a quick grower or will he last in the 60 for awhile
no they are fast growers and that tanbk is too small for him lol but hey do what you want i mean it sounds like you are anyways so good luck with that
aw man i want getting like that i was just asking i have not been into saltwater tanks that long.....just asking questions
List you current livestock and what/when your plans are for a different tank in the future. He won't be happy for long and could take it out on the livestock you have grown to love.
55g 1 yellow tank 4 inches 2 perc clowns and 1 8 inch snowflake.........pland are a 90 or 120 as soon as my wife will give me the go ahead....proly after the new baby in dec....
55's are kinda narrow. I would pick up the other stuff and trade the puffer in at the lfs for something else that you have wanted. The tank will be fine if you are planning on getting a 120 (do it you'll love the dims), but I would worry about the snowflake and the clowns. The eel will outgrow the clowns and look at them as lunch if it gets hungry. Hell I would
lol beleave it or not the eel messin with the tank and the clowns mess with the eel...i stick my and in the tank and the clowns tear me up......i got the clown for 8 bucks a piece at 3 inches.....my big clown runs my tank....lol.....love my eel but i know he has to go soon.....im just expermenting with things right not...got rid of the see apple, squirrel fish and lion fish already...just meesing around and seeing what i want...got about 1800 in coral i thought about just doing a coral only tank just not sure yet
That much invested in corals I would stay away from the puffer. Clowns are great sizes and I would personally keep them over the eel. Tang is up to you depending on what you want to upgrade to. A 100 may be better than a 120 because of the length.
Ask some people that are closer and can come by and entertain your curiousity better. If you go 120 I would look into some wrasses.
everyone talks highly about wrasses i dont care for them to much i seen 1 ay blue planet that i likes it was like 5 diffrent colors....ya i have alot invested in coral....my wife is ticked with what i have put into this...it was gonna be a cheap tank i told here..lol....what she dont know id 4 g's in a saltwater tank is cheap...man smoothie thanks for the advice not to many people have been this helpfull......and much thanks to jeespete...she has been great to me.and blue planet and keen reef
Stick with those stores and keep asking all questions. Didn't think I would like a wrasse back in the day until I watched one for more than 30sec. Then an hour would pass as I watched my little reef hummingbirds flow aroung the tank.
Only advice is add a lined wrasse last