I want opinions on different manifold options.


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Hey guys.. so, since people hardly ever reply to build threads, I'm going to post this here to get some good input on my manifold.


I'm going to use this to run:

Calcium Reactor
GFO Reactor
GAC Reactor
Biopellets? (Have a third reactor but havent decided what I'm going to run in it)

I will be running this off of a separate pump from my main return for a few reasons; primarily because I turn off my return every so often and also because I hate the idea of chopping up the plumbing in place... that isnt leaking.

So, with that said, I've started building this manifold, but keep thinking of possible changes/improvements and want/need to get some outside opinions. I will be using it as a water change pump as well.

It will be going in the left/return chamber of the sump:
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The primary manifold section will be in the return and I am likely to have it sit on the edge like this:
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The Chiller feed is going to go past the fuge section over to the skimmer section. From there I will have a bleeder valve that stirs up the bottom of the skimmer section and keeps detritus from settling. Problem is... I wonder how having the Chiller hose go back over the top of the manifold and then down to the Chiller will stress the rest of the system?

Here is my original thought on the layout:
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You can see that from the pump, the line will go up and then tee. One section will go to my manifold; however, at water change time, I simply close off that valve and open the water change valve...

Here is an alternate layout where the chiller would go on the end and straight out to the side. I figure this layout puts the least amount of stress on the system as the line simply goes off to the side, but... I dont like that if something were to fall off, the manifold would start shooting water straight out.
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So... any thoughts or improvements you'd make? I tried to make this system as easy to adjust as possible and used the true union ball valves so that I could easily undo a feed and put on or take off a hose without cranking on the whole manifold.
Its a Mag 9.5

the chiller (a Current Prime Tower 1/3 HP) takes a max of 700 or so GPH, so I figured the rest could be distributed amongst the other reactors.
the CA reactor will require a 1/4" tubing connection, so all you need there is a threaded T with a 3/4" X 1/4" john guest pushlock fitting (home depot) - you can regulate the pressure to the reactor with a 1/4" inline valve (also home depot)

for the other lines, you'll be oversized using 1/2" ID tubing (meaning use it and you'll still have to valve down for each reactor)

step everything coming from the pump up to 1" pipe (the 3/4" pipe you've got has a maximum flow of about 660gph in a low flow situation, which is what you'll have with all the turbulent flow created by a "manifold"). Besides, Mag pumps require upsizing the outflow pipe to meet the GPH shown on their charts (in their manual)...

I'd use 1" pipe coming from the pump and have a bunch of 1"X1"X3/4" tees (threaded) coming off the mains for your branch lines, valves can be 3/4, but 1/2 would also work.. (come off the branches with 3/4"-1/2" adapters and 1/2" tubing to the reactor if you use 3/4" valves)

When you decrease the size of the pipe, you increase the pressure, so stepping down from 1" to 1/2" at each branch line will help you maintain the pressure to your reactors..

Edit: I'm running biopellets in the reactor I got on the group buy and the only modification I have really wanted on it would be to put fins at each of the 4 holes on the outlet so that it directs the flow into a circular motion at the bottom of the reactor (yes, I'm a genius for thinking of that)..
Rbredding;658313 wrote: the CA reactor will require a 1/4" tubing connection, so all you need there is a threaded T with a 3/4" X 1/4" john guest pushlock fitting (home depot) - you can regulate the pressure to the reactor with a 1/4" inline valve (also home depot)

With the CA Reactor, I'm simply replacing the feed pump (currently a MJ1200) that already uses the 1/2".

Rbredding;658313 wrote: step everything coming from the pump up to 1" pipe (the 3/4" pipe you've got has a maximum flow of about 660gph in a low flow situation, which is what you'll have with all the turbulent flow created by a "manifold"). Besides, Mag pumps require upsizing the outflow pipe to meet the GPH shown on their charts (in their manual)...

greeeaaaaaat... I wish I had known this BEFORE I cut and glued together the 1/2" outputs... I even read the little manual that came with it. No mention of upsizing to 1" PVC? I figured I was helping myself when I was downsizing to the 1/2" outputs, but... that suuuuux. :doh:

I might try what I've got (sizewise) because... well at this point its not like I can return it since its almost all constructed already.

Thanks Ron... thanks a lot :yuk:

Any thoughts on the configuration?
Nevermind... now I see the asterisk under the flow chart. Oh well... I guess I can return some of the pieces. So, now that I'm back to square one with much of it, would anyone make any adjustments to the design?
Crewdawg1981;658325 wrote: Thanks Ron... thanks a lot :yuk:
Any thoughts on the configuration?
sorry.. I couldnt tell whether you had everything glued up or it were just fit testing it..

layout will depend on placement of all the reactors.. (TOTALLY SITUATIONAL)

since you're gonna possibly start over..
I would probably feed the manifold with flex.. that way you remove all the resistance up to the point where you can't avoid it (the valves)...

just remember, any time you can increase a transition (pvc to flex, or valve) you're better off doing so.. threaded fittings, valves, barb fittings, etc - ALL reduce the interior diameter, creating a (albeit tiny) choke point (1" valves / fittings have 3/4" interior diameters, as do threaded fittings)

Edit: so where the interior pipe diameter of 1" is close to 1".. that is almost always reduced at a major transition..