I was asked to say, “Hello!”...so Hello!

ralph atl

Active Member
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I was asked to say, “Hello!”...so Hello!

it’s been a number of years since I’ve been here, i recently received and saw some activity on the Facebook and email side, I’d thought I’d just drop in (prompted by a member) and say hi, how’s everyone doing? It’s 2021, and things will be looking up, imho and closer to normality....Keep Reefing!
Hey Ralph, nice to hear back from you. One of the nicest and most delicate fish were taken care from you. I remember your threads and your shared experiences on them. Lots of experience on you.
Hey Ralph, nice to hear back from you. One of the nicest and most delicate fish were taken care from you. I remember your threads and your shared experiences on them. Lots of experience on you.
No one Liked Ralph , Dont lie

jk welcome back
Welcome Ralph. Yes, the Wrasse tank has been one of my favorites for a long time.
Hey ralph. Long time no talk

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Ralph! I've been asking after you for the past year or so. It's so good to see you pop up! I owe you a tremendous debt for knowledge and kindness you showed me all those years ago on this forum. I hope to someday be in the position to repay that debt by helping you set up another tank. How about it?
Love that wrasse in your pic! I have a yellow tail tamarin, that is as exotic as I have gotten.