ice probe chillers ?

This is going to have varying effectiveness... based on the differential of the ambient temperature in the room and the tank's water. For that price point... I'd say pass.

As long as you have an auto-top off I would recommend going with evaporative cooling. It's very effective at lowering the water temperature and its cheap to do. Just get a small pc fan like the one they have in the device, or a clip on fan and have it blow across your fuge. You do want to use a temperature controller to kick the fan on/off when necessary. This device doesn't seem to come with one either... and you'd want one either way you go.
Try a fan first. Super effective in my experience. You can get fancy and us a controller if you have one but I just put the fans on my sump when I turn on the house AC and let it ride. The heater might kick on at night but I'm not too worried about it. I did put the fan on a time at one point, maybe I should go back to that. Whatever you do, don't hang the fan over the sump or fuge with old rubber bands. Seems like that should go without saying but here we are.