Ice storm


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Well due to the storm last weekend, we were out of power for a little over 48 hours and as a result had a lot of casualties. Lost all but two fish, all sps are white, all montis and chalices are gone. All that's left are a hippo tang, golden head goby, and a couple huge turbo snails. Hopefully most zoas will pull through. Frogspawns are looking rough but could recover.

Anyways combining this with my leaving for PT school in May, I will be selling off most livestock (rocks and corals. Probably keeping the fish). I will be waiting a couple weeks before I post anything for sale to ensure the health of the corals
Sorry about the casualties. Wish I was able picked up the frags when we first planned. I sent you a PM earlier before I read this. I will still want whatever you are selling when you are ready.
Thanks everyone, I will just give it time to see how everything recovers and post what remains. It's been a pleasure meeting everyone while I have been buying or trading to build my tank up