ICP water tests


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Ok Ive been thinking about getting my water tested. I noticed that there are a few different companies offering these tests. IS there any real difference between them? Is one better than another?
Yes and no. The biggest difference in them is the amount of time it takes to get the results back &/or some test for a few different things. If you listen to Podcast I know that "The Reef News Network" did a whole segment on this where they go into more details. (https://reefnewsnetwork.com/) I use ATI ICP because you send out a test sample of your RODI water for the test as well. It seems like the best bang for your buck. It takes about 1-2 weeks to get results though.
I've used ICP Analysis in the past and have some ATI kits that I'm going to use moving forward. I'm changing because apparently the ATI tests for more stuff. @anit77 knows more about the different testing options than anyone should and I'm following his recommendation. Of course he recommends doing both and alternating them for a more robust data set but that sounds like too much work to me.
I think I am going to try the ATI test first. I just want to see all the things I cannot test for and double check all the things i am testing for
ICP Analysis here in the states is much quicker, several days quick. But they aren't as comprehensive as Triton or ATI. ATI gives you everything you'd want, including testing your RODI water, but their recommend remarks on corrective measures isn't as robust as Triton.

One more nice thing about ATI is you can put whatever you want in the RO vial. Wanna test your tap water? Put it in there.
Well I got my test results and my water is pretty good. My phosphates were a little high but Phosphorus was very high. I know gfo will help with phosphates but will it help with phosphorus?
Thank you @york1 for starting this topic. I just sent my sample off today using Triton after following you guys discussions. I'm so excited!!! Thanks
Thank you @york1 for starting this topic. I just sent my sample off today using Triton after following you guys discussions. I'm so excited!!! Thanks
It is absolutely worth the money. It is so nice to see that I am actually doing the right things for the most part and now i can focus where things are lacking.
I second the Triton, it's a little more pricey and it take a little while longer. However, they offer pretty good advise to get things back to normal, and they even offer individual elements that you can dose.