ID Corals Please!


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Hey guys!
Here's an opportunity for you to show off your knowledge! :)

About a month ago i bought several corals off of a guy and i am not sure what types they are! If you guys could simply ID anything you can and tell me anything you know about em, thatd be AWESOME! :)

Thanks so much guys!


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(This last coral is actually much greener than the picture shows)

Thanks for your help guys!!!
Nowhere close to a candycane nano....Its a shroom or Tach...

Funny how they want them id'd but the photos are always crappy.

Take a better picture one from the top..hell take it out of the tank and photo it...
1. Branching Hammer - Euphyllia parancora
2. Open Brain - Trachyphyllia geoffroyi
3. Flowerpot - Goniopora Sp.
Washowi's post makes me think of the old Saurday Night Live skit, Common Knowledge, where "Its not what you know, its what you think you know...
Questions for our show are show are selected by educators from Princeton University to express a broad range of common knowledge that every American should possess. <span style="color: darkred;">Answers</em> for 'Common Knowledge' are determined by a nationwide survey of 17-year-old high school seniors</span>.""></a>

For those of you that have actually seen this one, it rates up there with Bill Murray playing in "il Returno de Hercules"

All that said, I would trust his IDs. He has spend a lot of time in and on the water. Sometimes we get lucky and he posts pictures.