ID help please


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I have had these tube like structures in my tank for a long time. They do not seem to cause issues but recently started to grow inbetween some of my acan heads. They are about 1/16" in diameter and 1/4" long. They sometimes have a thread like tentacle about an inch long. What are theae and are they a problem?
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Vermetid Snail and can irritate corals.

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Or Polychaete - Chaetopterid/Spionid.

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These look exactly like the spionid pics I found online including the threadlike tentacle.

While these may not be considered a nuisance, they are covering all of my old rock and are migrating to the new rock. Should I be alarmed and is there anytbing I can do to reduce or eliminate these?

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See if you can break them off. Thats what I do, especially when I get frags with them.
From what I have read so far breaking then off sounds like the way to go, I have at least a thousand though.

Below is the best link I have found for worms...."></a>

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I have read that peppermint shrimps or copperbands will eat these. Does anyone know if this is true and whether the tube would remain?

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Here is abother site"></a>

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This is the best site I-have found for small critter id. I read it last night but did not post it."></a>

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So I started trying to break the spionid worm tubes off with tweezers, mostly unsuccessfully, but I was able to see the little guys sometimes. After a while, I determined that most of the worm tubes were empty, they likely died or hermit crabs ate them if the sites I have been reading are somewhat correct. I have only seen a few of the worms' tentacles at any time and it sounds as though they should all be out if the tank is stirred up or during a heavy phyto feeding.

I opted to start smashing the tubes like a couple of the other web sites suggested. It stirred up quite a mess, so I will be doing a large WC shortly. They smashed relatively easily with the backside of the tweezers for the most part, there were some that were a bit more difficult that I ended up beating into the rock a bit. I did not work the difficult to reach areas yet. I guess I will find out how well the smash technique works in a few days.
Those tubes are sharp too - be careful when you're handling your rocks. The can cut up your fingers.

Peppermint shrimps work. I haven't seen too many new ones since adding them. Just like aiptasia, the peps don't wipe them out, but they keep them under control.
It looks like the tank will have some peppermints as soon as I pick some up. The last time I had aptasia the peppermints wiped them out. I have been aptasia free since last year and got rid of the peppermints last year as well.

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Let me know if the peppermints work ! I have the same issue in one of my tanks

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Funny, mine have always left several aips behind. I've been injecting them with aiptasia x and they keep getting smaller, but they never completely disappear. I don't see any new ones at least.