ID inverts via video?


Reaction score
Brief story: 40lbs LR in 24g cube. fishless but with cleanup crew (fish had spots, currently in quarantine and has been spotless for a week)

Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 10 or so (a week ago measurements)

Lights on
Actinic 12hrs
PC 10hrs

Got the LR from someone on ARC about two months ago now. Added water from their tank and LS. tons of translucent and flea like critters running around,. (conepods?). New things have been showing up in the past week, the most interesting (and least well pictured) is a translucent, almost coral like thing.

Can anyone ID the following (sorry the video is not so good):

A. tentacle thing
B. Pod thing
C. eggs? Have grown in number, but no change in color/size
D. translucent/grey coral(?) stuff -grown in size

Video of the stuff (can't get the picture camera to work)

<div class="gc_ifarem_title">YouTube - Movie</div><iframe style="width: 70%; height: 400px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto" src=""></iframe>
I saw legs to a brittle star, and a couple of types of sponge, and an amphipod.
No idea on the "eggs".
cr500_af;577027 wrote: I saw legs to a brittle star, and a couple of types of sponge, and an amphipod.
No idea on the "eggs".

+1 exactly what I saw.....the sponge at the 17 sec mark looks like a pineapple sponge. the grey coral looks like it could be a type of sponge too. try to take better and more vid of just that one
gnashty;577029 wrote: +1 exactly what I saw.....the sponge at the 17 sec mark looks like a pineapple sponge. the grey coral looks like it could be a type of sponge too. try to take better and more vid of just that one

I'll try at some point in the future on the gray. Unfortunately the only angle for viewing is right on the curve of the class (corner of the tank), so pretty impossible...

but its growing in other places so who knows.

Thanks for the help guys
The eggs are Nerite Snail eggs. Mine have laid a million in my little tank.

The fleas are amphipods. They are a good sign of life in the tank. Mine has a billion. They are scavengers and food for a lot of things.

The pod looking thing I agree was a pineapple sponge.