Id on these zoas


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A while back I helped my girlfriend breakdown her fathers tank and he had a lot of zoas and a few other things but does anyone have and Id on these? I’m condescending fragging them for sale soon along with some others.B25A9365-E6D0-4CDA-81FC-CCFC2EE3942E.jpeg
Its hard to tell from the picture but they look like Jungle juice zoas.
Any tips to get them off of a seaweed clip?
If you want to try to save them you could razor blade under their foot and re glue them. If saving them doesn't matter you can individually inject polyps with vinegar, lemon juice or Kalkaska to kill the polyps. Always stay protrctected. Don't cut them in tank near other corals or upstream from others as the toxins may kill the other coral close to them.
they look like eagle eyes to me. And I wouldn’t even worry about getting them off the clip. If I were you I’d just take the clip apart, remove the spring and just cut the clip up into pieces since you’re thinking of fragging it anyway. Imo It’s gonna take more effort than it’s worth trying to remove them, plus you’ll probably lose more in the process of removal than you would just cutting it up as it is.