Idea on best way to acclimate whole tank during switch over,now poke holes in theory.


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I'll be moving all my livestock from a holding tank that is half full to a 30 gallon cube soon.

What if I made up all the needed saltwater to fill my new tank, but slowly added it to the half full holding tank, then, as the holding tank filled, remove the water and put it in my new tank, replacing the water in my holding tank with more virgin saltwater.. Then repeat the process over the couse of say 3 hours or so.

Seems my only issue would be sync'ing the water temps of all three tanks (make-up water tank, holding tank, and new display tank).

This would be much easier and less time consuming than acclimating everything individually. Ideally, after the process is complete, the new display and the holding tank would have pretty much the exact same parameters.

Can someone chime in on variables I'm not thinking of?"></a>

check this out, and add some prime & stability. other than that, it's just like a water change.