Ideas for 24g nano ??


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Ok i setup my old 24g nano. I want to put something really cool in there. Jaime "platplakia" was over and suggested an octopus which I thouhgt was a good idea, but i know nothing about octopus's except for the fact that they will try to escape. If anyone knows anything about octopus's please let me know. Also if i do get an octo what else could I put with it? I was thinking about an eel and a lionfish as well. As far as i know these 2 will get along. What else could I put with an eel and lionfish if anything. These are my 2 ideas if anyone else can think of anything else that sounds good let me know.

my concern would be the size of the tank is not big enough for a lion fish unless you get the dwarf version but I dont know how big they get. You could do an eel and a maybe a small puffer but you can pretty much forget about having corals if your gonna go for aggressive fish. Maybe a smaller trigger, an eel, and a small puffer.
Big D;39485 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Man I type slow...</span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Big D</span>
lol dont feel bad I type at like 100 words a minute...thats what happens when you grow up when computers are just getting popular. I dont even know how to use a type writer (did i spell that right?) lol....and back on subject ask Jamie what kind of puffer he has it doesnt get to big.
yeah ill ask jaime what kind of puffer he has also "z" how did your anemone settle in ?? Thanks again for the corals the look cool in the tank.
does anyone know if there is such thing as a mini or dwarf octopus ?
how about converting a freshwater/brackish puffer like a lepard or figure eight to entirely saltwater and make it like a display planted marine tank. now Thatd be original and interesting!
hmm, still thinking about an ocotopus - anyone have any info on them or kept one ?
a> i undestand is the best site for octos
Please understand... Octo's are not only escape artists, but short lived as well, at best about a year... My brother had one, it layed eggs (that hatched). It died about a month later. Babies survived a short while, till he had a heater malfunction. Yes, he was the one who posted the babies F/S a while ago... You really wouldn't be able to safely keep anything else with one, as it will either become food for the octo, or it will stress him out, if he inks (esp. in a nano) your tank will crash very quickly given the small water volume.
You could do it with a 600 gallon sump/fuge...

Or find a way to connect it's water system to the filters on all of your other tanks at once...