Ideas for new tank


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I've been lurking for awhile trying to get ideas, you guys seem great!! I'm going to upgrade from a 90 to a 180 or 210. I'm looking to do this right the first time and would like some suggestions. I plan on drilling intakes for a closed loop where should the holes go? I have a dart for the pump, but looking for ideas on the returns, 1in pipe? how many returns and what's the best placement? what kind of wave maker? I plan on 3 400 MH and vho's for actincs in a canopy? Am I stuck with a chiller or will mounting a bunch of fans in there work. My current tank is running at 83 in the late afternoon. Speaking of canopies, I saw a few lift actuators, any expierence with those or maybe a hinge method to swing the canopy up. The other thing I'm struggling with is whether to do a DSB or just handle that in a fuge. Any other thoughts or suggestions would be great. I'm open to all input. By the way it will be a mixed reef, I like some sps but I also like the sofies type of hypnotic movement.

ejorg2;39048 wrote: Hey, I've been lurking for awhile trying to get ideas, you guys seem great!!
That should wear off after a while. :up:
ejorg2;39048 wrote: Am I stuck with a chiller or will mounting a bunch of fans in there work. My current tank is running at 83 in the late afternoon.
I can't speak from experience on a system that big, but I'd think that evaporative cooling on that much water might leave you living in a rain forest. Remember that your house HVAC has to fight humid air to cool as well, so you may be skipping chiller cost only to pay that and more on a higher electricity bill.
ejorg2;39048 wrote: Speaking of canopies, I saw a few lift actuators, any expierence with those or maybe a hinge method to swing the canopy up.
I haven't worked with it, but I was thinking pulleys and counterweights would be a less expensive canopy lift assist. Make gravity work for you.
ejorg2;39048 wrote: The other thing I'm struggling with is whether to do a DSB or just handle that in a fuge. Any other thoughts or suggestions would be great. I'm open to all input. By the way it will be a mixed reef, I like some sps but I also like the sofies type of hypnotic movement.
I am a fan of DSB from the results I've gotten with one. I have a 5" DSB in a 15g fuge attached to my 25g main tank. My next system will be a 60 cube + 55 fuge and will DSB the fuge and possibly the 60. Not sure yet.

However, there are plenty of compelling arguments in all directions on this matter. My opinion has been drawn from reading Anthony Calfo's Reef Invertebrates book and my resultant experiences.
George;39053 wrote:
I haven't worked with it, but I was thinking pulleys and counterweights would be a less expensive canopy lift assist. Make gravity work for you.

I am a fan of DSB from the results I've gotten with one. I have a 5" DSB in a 15g fuge attached to my 25g main tank. My next system will be a 60 cube + 55 fuge and will DSB the fuge and possibly the 60. Not sure yet.

The pulley and counterweight idea would definitely be cheaper, although you'd have posts sticking up at the four corners of your canopy. A sleeker look would be to use gas springs (like on a hatchback) to counter the canopy weight, and a smaller linear actuator to lift the canopy.

And this is just my personal preference, but I'm a fan of the SSB in the display and a DSB in the fuge.

Be sure to post pics of your new setup when you start!
First off welcome....

I wish I could help on the canopy but I will leave that question up to the DIY people, I am a fish and livestock person.

One of the few non-fish things I know about is closed loops. I suggest you do as much research as you can and look at as many tanks as you can with CL systems on them to figure out what you like. Personally I am a big fan of over the back CL systems. You do not turn your tank into swiss cheese that way. But keep in mind that I have 6 outlets on my CL system on my 55 gal, to drill 6 holes in my tank would be pretty unsafe in my opinion. With that being said, if you wanted to go with a wavemake, the oceans motions system is a nice way to go. I just use a few hydor flo's on my CL to give some motion. IMHO though, "wave makers" are more for the owner then for the tank.

I think you lighting is more then enough but, again, I will leave that up to the lighting guys!

As far as DSB vs. SSB, In that size tank I would go with a 1-1.5" sand bed in the tank and a DSB in a LARGE fuge with a plenium. A DSB in a 210 tank is ALOT of sand! ;)

That brings to mind, what are you thinking about for a Fuge size?

As far as heat, I can not help you there either, I use fans and they work great for my 55 gal but I do not know about a 210 tank. I say if you have the money, buy a chiller...

Hope all that helps and again, welcome
Okay, I just got back from the GA aquarium, and now I want to set up a display fuge slash sea dragon tank. Man, those guys are cool!
Cuurent fuge is about 25 gallons, want to try to get by with that for awhile. The new set up will leave me strapped. I want to run plumbing in the wall so later on I can run it all to the basement. Problem there is a 50' horizontal run across the basement to the storage room. Thanks for the input, any more things to think about?
Just to enlarge your fuge! :D

No really, I would say yoiur have a pretty good grasp of things. If you are straped for cash (like most of us are) then just make sure you keep doing what you are doing.... Read and Research before you set up. So much money can be saved by doing it right the first time.
Xyzpdq0121;39329 wrote: So much money can be saved by doing it right the first time.

Oi, if that isn't the truth...

If only I'd known more than I did the first time.

BTW, Brandon, I have your little rubbermaid container with the maroon top - Wolfie put the rabbitfish in it since he had nothing else that would suit as well, so now you either have to come check out my tank, or let me come check out yours if you want it back :D
Come on, help the newbie do it right the first time! Any suggestions from those of you with larger tanks, especially things I need to think about before I set the tank up? It will be as close to the wall as I can get it, 3-4".
Well, it's like this ejorg - you probably actually want to meet up with several people and get advice from each of them and then decide what YOU want to do. Every system is different and highly variable. Everybody has different opinions and evidence on what does and does not work, from lighting to skimmers (or even skimmer-less tanks) to filtration and fuges, and no two fish-tanks are the same.

Beyond reading all the existing articles you can find, I think you're best bet is face-to-face discussion... It's just too hard to communicate all that could or needs to be said in a forum like this. Really, all we can do is attempt to make you aware of as many of the things you need to consider as possible, but can't really give you comprehensive answers to each issue.
I would ask Juston51 (i think that is spelled correctly) he has a large tank over 200g and ask Horseziggy he has a 450 with an impressive sump system.