If given the chance?


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If given the chance who would be interested in a ACjr power buy? If there is enough interest then I MAY set one up in the near future.

Here is a link. It is an aquarium controller.
yes, Yes, YES!!!

The cool black ones with the primo LCD and the serial port!!!!


...curbs enthusiasm </em>

Thank you.

... rocks back and forth impatiently...</em>
The Neptune website does currently have them on sale with great deals if you buy equipment packages.</em>

Any chance of beating their current prices?</em>

I was thinking of ordering it next week, and I'd hate to miss their sale prices while I hold out for a Power Buy price -- that may not be as good.</em>

Did that sound selfish??</em>
Remember This is a MAYBE if I can get a vendor to help. I will work my hardest to make this happen if there is enough interest.
If it was for the RKII I would be all for it but not the JR... (That is if I can not find a used one that I can steal off someone dead body before the buy were to happen!)
Here is a link for just the ACjr.

Here is another link. This offers it with a black case. I am talking with a few companies to see what they can do. Again if I do this it will be in a few months and it is a [B]MAYBE[/B] all depending on the companies.
I would be interested in this or the RK2, however I am looking to get it in the next few weeks.
There will be a minim order of 6 AC jr kits when and if I am able to do this. I will post the specifics at a later date.
Alarm notification via email, pager, or shell command of tank error conditions


The AC jt will now run on aquanotes. It will email you. Check out the link. It is 74.95 for the pro version with all the graphing.
Would there be more interest in the AC Jr or RK2? Looks like we are already up to 5!!!!