If you could change, would you?


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Your lights. What lights do you currently have (include wattage and K rating) and tell me if you'd change them or not. If so, what to? OK, ok, me first :)

I have 3x175W Iwasaki 15K ran by ARO ballasts. I also have 2x110W VHO super actinics. I love my setup! The bulbs kick amazing PAR and the heat is nothing to be concerned about. I think if I were to ever change lighting, there would have to be a change of tank along with it. I think I'd goto 400W 12K Reeflux. Only reason 400 is because I could raise them higher and not have to worry about heat. One day......one day. Alright, your turn!
If heat was no issue and electricty was free I would have 5 1000W Reeflux 12ks with no actinic.

Since that isn't the case I'm happy with my current setup. 3x250 XM 10ks and 2x250W DE 14 Phoenix with VHO actinics.
I've got six 80 watt T5's driven by IC 660 ballasts and one 54 watt T5 driven by an advance ballast. It's a mix of Blue Plus, 6500 GE, ProColor and Aqua Blue Special bulbs with one T5 Actinic.

I'm going to change the T5 Actinic out for a 6' VHO Actinic, but otherwise I'm pretty happy with my lighting....
Come on Darren, play by the rules....what kind of lighting do you have now? If anything I want this thread to be informative, I want people to know what you have on your tank so if they have any questions about that particular setup, they can ask :) Peace, love and hippyness...uhh I mean happiness. Alright, I'm going to hug a tree now.
I have 8 65w 10K power compacts on my 90.. I like it just fine.. It grows everything in there perfectly..

However, I would love to upgrade to MHs, I don't know size, output,but anything that would give my tank that beautiful shimmer would be wonderful.
Whats your current setup Tyler? And why do you want the Solaris?
Solaris! I think this can/will be the future.

I have a Solara! Just 2 letters off. My setup is the stock 150W Solara pendant with Current USA 14k. So far it seems quite adequate for all my SPS, which is near the top. I will probably switch to a phoenix 14k sometime, though for the extra PAR and improved color.

On second though, maybe a house built around my tank with an active reflector system that tracks the sun, always reflecting light through an overhead shaft and into the tank. Then, a nice assortment of actinic and moonlight LEDs for evening and night viewing. Yeeeaahhh.
I have 8 T-5's. 4 overdriven and 4 regular ballasts. I love my lights. I would add a second icecap to the front 4.
I'm running some cheap CA 15k 2x250 and 4x96 420nm bulbs and I am happy with them, the only thing I would change is to 3x250, but since my 180 is acrylic and only has 2 openings I don't think I would swap it, since it would melt the bracing lol
I run Current USA with 2 150MH and 4 TC. Loving it it!!! But if I ever need/want to upgrade I would go with Solaris.
I have 4 x 400w mh on lumenmax reflectors. I'm in the process of changing bulbs, so I currently have 2 x xm 20k, 1 reeflux 12k, and 1 ushio 14k.

I'd like to do 8-10 250w SE on hqi ballasts. I would mix the bulbs to get the blue and the par. Sweeet!
I used to run 250 10,000 liked the growth/par and thought I liked the color. Then I switched to 400 20,000k and I feel I will never go back. I want to try different bulbs but nothing above the look of a 14,000k. I run Usio 20,000k right now and will try Radiums or Helios next.

I do look forward to the improvements in the LED lights.

Ummm... I will play along with this....

Tank 1) 55 gal with 2 XM 10K 175W bulbs and 2 48" T-%s (1 Pure Actinic and one Actinic plus)

I love this set up because the 10Ks have an OK par but without the T-5 make my tank look like someone peed in it.. But the T-5s do such a great job that it makes a great 14K look without a loss in PAR. I am fixing to try the Iwasaki 15K bulbs and see if I like the color still with the T-5. I do not know that I am going to get that much of a PAR jump from the 10K but I am interested because I hear that the Iwasaki 15K's last A LOT longer then the XMs. I would also like a few moon lights, I think it would help with all the spawning that I have going on in my tank and I miss being able to view the tank at night that I had with my old fixture.

Tank 2): On my 40 gal I have 4 36" T-5s driven by a workhorse 7 Ballast. Now that I am using the Icecap Reflectors, I am getting great Par. One bulb is a 10K 2 are Actinic plus and 1 is a True Actinic. It make a great blue color in the tank. I do miss my shimmer of the 55gal and it's halides though. The par is just as good, if not better then my 55gal tank though. I do not know if I would change anything about this lighting set up though. Maybe do some Cor-Ray-Zee Cameron idea and add some LEDs to try to get some shimmer back.
with heat not being an issue yes i would i would go with 3 DE 400w MH's but i am kind of happy with the t5's
I'm not so sure about them lasting longer Brandon. I've seen the color degrade quicker than other halides. I'd have to do a PAR test to see exactly how long they will last. My new ones are coming up on 5 months old, I'll do a PAR test soon and report my numbers. But you will see a PAR increase, I guarantee you that. Here are the PPFD comparisons.

EVC ballast XM - 72 Iwasaki - 87
Icecap ballast XM - 70 Iwasaki - 86
ARO ballast XM - 69 Iwasaki - 86
Advance M57 ballast XM - 62 Iwasaki - 71
I currently have two 1000w Hamilton 14Kk's. Quoting myself from another post:

Advantages of the 1000w lights:
<li>More PAR than you can imagine... I could get ~1200 PAR at the corals (9" in the water) with 10kK lights (IIRC), and around 5-700 PAR at the corals with 14kK lights. At the bottom of the 26" tank, I'd get 250-300 PAR</li>
<li>Simpler lighting configuration. Some people may not see this as an advantage, but I've come to the conclusion that simpler is better, and the fewer lights and light types I have to have, the better. I'd rather have two large lights rather than 4 MH's + VHO. That's less bulbs to keep around, fewer types of bulbs, etc.</li>
<li>And who am I kidding, 1000w lights give bragging rights. :) Nothing quite says "I'm serious" in the same way... :)</li>
<li>While the up-front cost is about the same as any other lighting system (around $250-300/light, although the bulbs are ~$120 each), each light is like running a small microwave. All day long... 2000watts or 18 amps takes up an entire circuit. My electric bill from the lights alone (at only 9hrs/day) is $50/mo.</li>
<li>They're freakin hot. People who have normal 250-400w lights and think they know just haven't experienced the full power of the 1000w-ers. I mean HOT - enough that my PVC within the hood had to be covered in aluminum foil b/c it was distorting and melting... and it was a foot away.</li>
<li>That heat goes somewhere, and I had to add active ventilation for the room, multiple fans everywhere, and a chiller. While this is all normal, a chiller runs almost all day in the summer. Add in another 9 amps for 9 hrs/day (we're up to $75/month in electricity for lights and chiller alone).</li>
<li>The latest research shows that there's a limit to how much corals can absorb, so it can be argued that there's no need for much over ~300 PAR.</li>
<li>My soft corals never did well, and I never had coraline algae due to the intense light</li>
</ul>I'd like to make the move to four 400w Reeflux 12k bulbs in LB mini reflectors + PFO or Coralvue ballasts, but that's a lot of money to pony up to swap out lights that are currently working fine...