If you could do it all over again... Glass or acrylic?


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I think I'm about fed up with the dinky setup I currently have and am going to move to a 72"x18"x24" tank with stand / canopy. Not having a sump, adequate lighting, all this cruft in the display tank, etc. is getting old.

With these dimensions, would you go glass or acrylic? Glass seems prettier, but it can chip.

How does silicone hold up with glass compared to acrylic? Any greater chance of floods using one over the other?

If all goes to plan, I'm going to move the contents of both my 65G and 45G tanks into this new setup. I think I'm going to use the 45G as a sump, and keep the 65G over my fireplace for a seahorse tank. How cool are seahorses? They really can't be kept with anything else, and since I've cut out a massive hole above my fireplace, it would look really weird if there wasn't anything there.

This is the best FTS of my current setup

[IMG]http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikesvoboda/2870855074/sizes/l/in/set-72157607377610669/" alt="" />

My fireplace is like an "island" in the middle of the den. The 45G tank faces the front door, and the front tank from this photo was the 65G. The dividing line between the two can be seen by the back-to-back in tank protein skimmers. One big advantage I think I have had with the tanks being in this location is the ammount of natural sunlight. The light coming through the windows / doors I think has really helped.

My lighting right now is pathetic... The deminsions of these tanks:

Above each tank, I have a Hagen dual T5 24" fixture. I couldn't get a 36" fixture in there because the space I have to work with above the tank wasn't large enough...

So I'm torn.. Do I go all out and get a stand / canopy setup, or should I just try to upgrade my lighting to a Solaris I-5? Thats probably one of the only options I have to increase lighting in the ammount of space I have to work with..
I hate to say it but it sounds like the location over the fireplace is not an optimal location due to plumbing/lighting issues. I'd scrap that location and go with a whole new setup. Don't go norm...go cube!
I thought about the cube, but I think I want to get a larger fish like a naso tang, archilles tang, or powder blue tang.

Does having the 72" length allow these guys to "pace" back and forth better? Or does just the straight up amount of gallons matter?
I would have to see exactly what you mean about your fireplace, but usually thats not a good idea.

On glass vs acrylic, I have two acrylic tanks right now, and I absolutly HATE them. scratches are unavoidable and now with starfire glass the clarity thing is a moot point.

go starfire and dont look back.

you will hate a 125ish tank. if you want a 6' tank get a 180 at least. the 24" depth makes rockwork SOOO much easier. FYI I an planning to do a 72Lx24Hx30D tank soon. Or if not a 6' tank go cube, they are fun as well.

as far as lighting goes, im not sold on the LED systems since they are still so expensive and really dont have the penitrating power. Many things have gone up against halides, and when everything is done right they always win.

past that your just going to have to decide for yourself.
Glass! I've had both over the years and will never do acrylic again! Chips? I've never had the glass on a tank chip.

Well built tanks of both types will last 20 years or better but theoretically acrylic (if proper thickness and perfect seams) will last decades.

Advantages of acrylic are that it's lighter (not sure this is that big a deal but the acrylic guys sure think so), Clearer (though starphire is pretty darn close) and has cleaner seams. Cons are it scratches if you breathe on it wrong and cleaning it it much more difficult.
Go glass and I agree DO NOT GO OVER THE FIREPLACE! For starters the flute system gets hot and you do not want to have to run a chiller every time you start your fireplace. Second, it is against any counties building codes that I am aware of! Third, it would be a PITA to get to, light, clean, plumb, cool. Last, the viewing angle would be crap!
+1 glass! I would agree the starfire glass is the way to go!
Go glass, but sometimes acrylic is your only option for a decent tank without taking out a mortage...
Glass. I've got a 175 gal acrylic bowfront tank because I liked the clean look of the corners and the clarity. My 16 year old daughter and I were able to move it around and place it on the stand. But that's about where it's advantages ended for me.

Now it's a pain to keep clean without scratching. The bracing around the top and across the center affects lighting (it gets covered in salt) and limits access to the tank, making cleaning even more difficult and resulting in accidental fragging if you're not careful.
I have an acrylic 110 and a glass 240.. The glass is so much easier to maintain. I hate my acrylic. I hate it so much I am thinking of breaking it down and see what i can get for it. It seems everytime I turn around something has happened that noone in the house seems to know about that causes a scratch. It will definitely be my last acrylic. Now on another note, I know of a gentleman who has a custom 450 acrylic and his tank just looks beautiful. His experience is definitely better than mine. He lives with his wife and no kids though so that would definitely be a plus.