If you saw massive Aiptasia in a LFS tank would you??


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Not having worked at a LFS, I can only speculate that it's **** near impossible to prevent hitch-hikers from invading your tanks.

We've all been to LFS shops and seen various things that perhaps shouldn't be there but it's normally on a very small scale and not prevalent in ever tank they have.

With that being said, I was in Billings Montana last Wednesday and had a several hours to kill before my flight home and I dropped into a LFS just for kicks. I knew I could buy anything that would be allowed onto the plane as "carry on" but I did want to see what they might have in that part of the country.

The selection was sparse but healthy looking.
Duncan (mislabel as something else), various zoas, 4 tiny (really, really tiny) maximus clams for $150 and...Aiptasia out the butt.

Never have I seen such a spectacular display and such perfect specimens of Aiptasia anywhere.
Every single tank (about 40 including fish only) had Aiptasia in them.

Some of them were the size of plums.

They didn't have any sort of CUC creatures. So using peppermints to control the Aiptasia was not even in the plans.

So...If you were to walk into a shop that had such a massive outbreak of Aiptasia, would you buy anything from them?

I looked at the dry goods area.
Plenty of two part, ich control, etc...But absolutely nothing for Aiptasia.

I was really impressed with the fine examples of Aiptasia that they had on display.

In hindsight, I wish I had taken some photos.
It really was impressive.
porpoiseaquatics;1075351 wrote: Would you believe that some places actually sell aptasia as an anenome? Well they have and do.

I've no doubt that they do.
And with the way this shop had them, I wouldn't be surprised if they were selling them.

In my experience, Aiptasia is almost like Kudzu. It'll grow anywhere and multiply like rabbits.
Once you have it, there's no need to order more... :wow2:
If any store tells you they don't have Aptasia, Ich, Bristleworms, or anything like that they lying through their teeth...

We battle everything consumers battle on a daily basis and possibly even have it worse because we get everything in fresh and juicy from over seas.
aXio;1075364 wrote: If any store tells you they don't have Aptasia, Ich, Bristleworms, or anything like that they lying through their teeth...

We battle everything consumers battle on a daily basis and possibly even have it worse because we get everything in fresh and juicy from over seas.

That's exactly why a QT tank is absolutely necessary. It just come with the territory. :)
Just FYI if your dI'd hapen to find something you can't live without wile out of town .. when flying I've carried on coral , my father works for Delta and I fly on the cheap so I'll often opt to fly even if it's close , I've flown from heartsfield to Pensacola Florida twice crying live coral for my uncles reef tank and even sent some with my mother once , package them in a specimen cup they are 3oz or less just explain what it is at security .. easy easy didn't even need a cooler for my short trips but I don't see why a soft lunchbox style cooler wouldn't work out
Tbub1221;1075376 wrote: Just FYI if your dI'd hapen to find something you can't live without wile out of town .. when flying I've carried on coral , my father works for Delta and I fly on the cheap so I'll often opt to fly even if it's close , I've flown from heartsfield to Pensacola Florida twice crying live coral for my uncles reef tank and even sent some with my mother once , package them in a specimen cup they are 3oz or less just explain what it is at security .. easy easy didn't even need a cooler for my short trips but I don't see why a soft lunchbox style cooler wouldn't work out

That's great to know! Thanks Terry!