I'm a fish killer...


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Well, apparently I'm not very good at keeping fish alive...:mad2: I came home from work today to see my sailfin tang I've had since November along with my new powder brown which I got Wednesday afternoon both dead. They are in two different tanks and I checked the water in both after I got the fish out. Water checks out fine in both tanks 0,<0.5,8.3,79.5 in the 135 and 0,<0.5,8.2,78.5 on the 55gal. I know I saw a post before about a coral only tank, I'm starting to think I should do that. I've spent way too much money on fish and I haven't really bought anything expensive. The powder brown was the first one over $35. Anyone have any suggestions? The thing that really confuses me is the other fish in both tanks seem healthy and happy and the little bit of coral I have in the 135 seems very happy.
wow dude sorry for your lose sometimes it just happens was there anything in the air cause for two fish in two difrent systems to just die seems weird...have you feed anything diffrent ..i dont know man just trying to help you find a reason to y this happened
When I first started I was adding about a 1/4 cup of tank water every 15 minutes but then I learned about drip. Everything I've gotten recently has been drip acclimated and the powder brown was acclimated over the course of about an hour and a half.
would you want it to be a softies tank or hard corals?
if softies you would want some waste in the tank.
blind1993;134411 wrote: would you want it to be a softies tank or hard corals?
if softies you would want some waste in the tank.
blind what an the heck are you talking about ..that has nothing to do with both of his fish dying why would you even post in this thread dude
Zapped82;134384 wrote: Well, apparently I'm not very good at keeping fish alive...:mad2: I came home from work today to see my sailfin tang I've had since November along with my new powder brown which I got Wednesday afternoon both dead. They are in two different tanks and I checked the water in both after I got the fish out. Water checks out fine in both tanks 0,<0.5,8.3,79.5 in the 135 and 0,<0.5,8.2,78.5 on the 55gal.<u> I know I saw a post before about a coral only tank, I'm starting to think I should do that</u>. I've spent way too much money on fish and I haven't really bought anything expensive. The powder brown was the first one over $35. Anyone have any suggestions? The thing that really confuses me is the other fish in both tanks seem healthy and happy and the little bit of coral I have in the 135 seems very happy.

that is why.
I'm sorry for your loss :(

Since you'd had the sailfin for a while, I can't help wondering if something in the environment has contaminated the tanks... got any spring cleaning going on? Air fresheners, glass cleaners, spot removers, etc. being sprayed anywhere in the vacinity of the tanks? Just a thought...
Nothing that I can think of... I would think if it were a contaminant it would affect all (3) tanks inhabitants and I would think the shrimp and CUC would be a little more susceptible to that although I don't have that much knowledge of it.
I am still somewhat new to the hobby myself, but from what I've read, tangs are a bit more delicate than other fish? I hope you find a solution to your dilemma! :)
blind1993;134418 wrote: that is why.
got you but i dont think that was his intent for the post more to find out why his fish died especially if two fish died in two diffrent setups...thats why i asked my question .....but i see were you came from sorry ...
Yeah I know they are a little more fragile sometimes. Thanks for the encouragement!
dude have you done any water changes recently ...are you useing ro water....or tap .. its crazy how two fish died...have you been in an arguement with your lady ,maybe she did it loljk but its an idea
Victor626nj;134465 wrote: dude have you done any water changes recently ...are you useing ro water....or tap .. its crazy how two fish died...have you been in an arguement with your lady ,maybe she did it loljk but its an idea

Nope, no arguments with the lady friend although while just discussing it with her again she said she did spray some febreze in the house yesterday. Would a little bit throughout the house, not near the tanks, cause this? And would it take a day for it to have an affect?
well you have two open top tanks right maybe .if you runn carbon heavy then i doubt it but like it was stated before tangs are ify...just blame her and tell her two buy you two new ones...i forbid my wife to spray perfume in our room for this reason or spray anything in the house
one is open top, the other is not. The 55 is a standard 55gal with a top and light like you would get for a freshwater tank so it's pretty tightly sealed.
I'm no expert, but I wouldn't think so. A few weeks ago, I caught myself spraying one of those "super" air-fresheners after one of my cats got sick before I realized the ceiling fan in the room was on, blowing the air from where I stood in the direction of the tank. I was upset when I realized what I'd done, but when the fish were fine the next day, I relaxed considerably. I don't think such a contamination is commonplace, but heck, when you're really stumped at a loss it can't hurt to consider.

Please keep us updated of any new information!
Yeah, I need to find out more from her if she just sprayed a little like normal or if she used up half a bottle. I really like your idea Victor but she already said we were only buying $5 fish from now on so I think I'm gonna have a hard time convincing her to buy me a new powder brown. (even though she's the one that picked it out)